on 08-11-2022 17:36
I should like to register my gratitude to Harry who helped me on the 7th Nov 2022 around mid day. Harry picked my request for chat and assisted me to upgrade my contract. Despite the lengthy process he showed patience understanding and kindness. I couldn’t save the chat or leave feedback and took me some time to get to this page to leave this note of thanks. Thank you Harry for your help you are a star. May I suggest to O2 to have a menu item for Praise next to the item on Complaints.
on 08-11-2022 18:15
We have an area of the forum here https://community.o2.co.uk/t5/Discussions-Feedback/bd-p/4
Our admin team will move the post for you and feedback to the employee.
on 08-11-2022 19:37
on 09-11-2022 09:24