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Phone Number +011 924 6586 - **DO NOT ANSWER THIS NUMBER** - read my message!!

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Hi everyone, there have been reports on social media about the above number - it is said that the people who answer it end up paying @£80 for the call and it also steals ALL details off your phone - including bank details etc if you have them on your phone - it then goes on to say that some people have been advised that efforts have been made to access their bank accts. I have put this number in my phone under the name 'DO NOT ANSWER THIS NUMBER' - at least that way you stand a fighting chance!! I have brought this to O2's attention. Take care out there please.

Message 1 of 21

Not applicable
It is a myth. There was another myth about a automated cold call asking people to press 9 and if they do that it will cost you £20 per minute.

They are all not true as incoming calls cannot be charged for.

Also regulations for premium rate services restrict call costs exceeding £2 per minute or per call and cannot last longer than 20 minutes if it is not per call. These calls are often double in price on mobiles,payphones and non-BT landlines and because of they high costs such networks and payphone operators usually bar access to numbers that cost too much including some or all 118 numbers.
Message 21 of 21