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Person keeps texting after telling them wrong number.

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First text i got was back on 28/10/10 and I responded telling them this wasnt the person theyre trying to text
I got a few more texts of random things from the person like "no worries" then they started texting on a different number saying that theyre "bak 2 old num."
Several more texts came about their new puppy and job, I responded again (By this time i was frustated becuase it was 1:30am) Telling them to stop texting this number.
Now ive just got a few more texts from the person,
First one i responded on 10-11-2010 00:29:21
Please stop texting, I told you before this is not the person you are trying to contact PLEASE DELETE THIS NUMBER

They responded by texting back on 10-11-2010 00:33:47
Fuck of u prick n get a life using essays.
repoptin ur number t o2. U looney. Tracked u on net ur addres nt registered t u phone
WHO R U? police ringing

So i responded on 10-11-2010 00:37:55
I asked you to stop texting me. Phone the police and report me to o2, they wont do anything, its you that keeps texting me.

They then responded on 10-11-2010 00:43:23
I work 4 daisy already tracked u number.
Register ur number t u name? or dnt waste our time u absolute sad act.
N hey i just think i know u! bring it on or buy u own chip u skin flint.
Now get of this number?

My responce on 10-11-2010 00:47:50
Ive had this number for over 2 years, its been registered to me the WHOLE TIME. This is REMOVEDNUMBER, Who are you trying to text, Cuz its O2 thats messing up somewhere, Someone got a new phone?

I've heard nothing back since then and its now 01:03am.
What am I ment to do?
Ive had this phone number for over 3 years that i recall.... I did lock my sim and O2 sent me another simcard, but it has the exact same number etc.
Message 1 of 14

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This doesn't sound like an o2 problem at all. It just sounds like some idiot has wrote your number in by mistake. I would just ignore them and block the number. You do realise you just posted your number on a public forum aswell?
Message 2 of 14

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Yeah I did, Whoops, Ill remove that in a second.
How do i go about blocking their number?
Message 3 of 14

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I don't think you can, o2 can't do it. I remember having a Nokia handset once, it had an app you could download that would stop certain numbers from ringing you. Can't remember if it had anything like this for texts and I've never really seen it on anything else. Could try looking though. What handset do you have?
Message 4 of 14

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its a Nokia 5310 Music Xpress
Message 5 of 14

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If you have Ovi Store on that phone, try searching for Blacklist.
Message 6 of 14

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They wont work with this phone, Ive had a quick search and this came up right away ... ostcount=3
Message 7 of 14

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I've just Googled it too. Doesn't look promising. Only suggestion really would be to ignore them. Common answer I found on Google was to save the contact and assign a silent tone to them, atleast you won't notice then if you get texts at silly times.
Message 8 of 14

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Well, Thanks for tryin to help
I'll let the police decide what to do with the texts I guess.

I dont see why I should have to put up with them texting me their personal stuff in the first place, And refusing to check that they've got the wrong number, and accusing me of theft, etc.
Message 9 of 14

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I would contact this 'Daisy' company as well. I just Googled the company, I highley doubt they could even search o2's database. But, if they can/did, I'm sure them searching your name on the database, looking for details like name and address without your permission is a breach of data protection.
Message 10 of 14