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Outrageous Homophobia by O2

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O2's adult content filter is blocking gay advice website "Being Gay is OK" ( ) on the basis that it contains inappropriate adult content.
I'm sorry, but I completely fail to see how a website that helps gay teens and gives them advice and support can be viewed as "inappropriate" content.

If you were a teen struggling to cope with your sexuality, how do you think it would make you feel if your phone company was telling you that getting advice about your sexuality was "wrong"?
So O2, is being gay wrong? If not, then why have you blocked this site?
Message 1 of 35

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On the subject of Censorship...
Why is the BNP website still blocked despite some of it's members asking for it to be unblocked nearly 5 days ago now on Twitter?
As much as I disagree with their politics, they are a political party and have a right to air their views, also the minimum voting age in the UK is 16
For O2 to be blocking them in the first place is interesting, for them to not unblock them despite requests is doubly so.
If they were to turn around and say that the request is being actioned then why has it taken 5 days so far when other sites are getting a response and getting unblocked within 24 hours?
Matthew Key stated in his BBC interview that all customers are to be engaged no matter who they are but it appears O2 as a whole weren't listening.
Message 31 of 35

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From the other examples quoted I am afraid I would rather have access unblocked to the La Senza website or yes a site helping young kids out who might not understand what is okay for them and helping them come to terms with their lives!
Message 32 of 35

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Why are you continually making arguments with forum members here, who have no interest at all on this subject?
They haven't made the rules. you are continually going on and on barking about it.

*ahem* It is O2 who decides how to implement the rules:

What on earth are you going on about?
I never said that forum members or o2 make the rules.
And o2 implementing the rules or not, is not the point I was making.
Message 33 of 35

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Dragging the post up a month later there is no point either way!
Message 34 of 35

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The minimum voting age in the UK is 16

Uhm...really? :womanindifferent:
Message 35 of 35