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O2 rudest customer service

Not applicable
There is nothing ruder than being ignored.

I emailed customer service from this site 3 times since 7th December and although I received an acknowledgement number for each not a single reply even when i moaned about being ignored.

Do O2 ever reply or are they just picking on me?

By the way it was just a simple tariff query but now they have a very unhappy customer who is now going to throw in my simplicity tariff for pay-as-you-go with someone else. At least that way I can save the frustration of dealing with complacent and arrogant organisations.
Message 1 of 25

Not applicable
I never get why people dont just give a quick call before moaning.. though I can understand your frustration.
Message 2 of 25

Not applicable
Well i've been emailing o2, phoning o2 (including a supervisor) and dealing with o2 members of staff in store and have been continually mistreated and passed from pillar to post!

Been trying to upgrade for 3 weeks nows AND when i tried to upgrade online, the order was neither confirmed at my end or o2's end but THEY STILL TOOK THE MONEY OUT MY ACCOUNT :robotmad:

This was on Friday 12th Dec and it's STILL not back in my account, after numerous trips to my bank and numerous phones calls to o2 and being assured 100% by a supervisor that the money would be back in my account by Monday afternoon. He was meant to be phoning me personally on Monday afternoon to make sure the matter was resolved.

It's not resolved and he didn't phone! NOW he's unavailable to speak with 😐 Instead i got a girl with an attitude who clearly didnt have the first clue to what was going on!

I've been told that a manager will call me back, although it's NOT GUARENTEED!

So now i'm stuck, with no help, feeling like i have nobody to turn to to help get me my money back, a week before christmas with a 3 year old son!

I will NOT be upgrading with o2, i won't even be putting an o2 sim in my phone. I want to be as far away as possible from o2 and wouldn't recommend them to my worst enemy!!!

STAY AWAY FROM O2 :robotindifferent:
Message 3 of 25

Not applicable
Its a shame you've gone through all of that, but have you tried ringing Complaints section? just choose that from menu-or asking to speak to retentions?

You'd think they'd have the common courtesy to speak to you-try and keep your cool if you can wink its hard cos I've been there.....
Message 4 of 25

Not applicable
O2 customer complaints department are a waste of time,

Long story cut short, I have had to contact O2 lots lately about my account, and just about every phonecall involved been transfered about 6-7 times from department to a different department each call, and took around 45 mins in all.

Enough was enough, I phone O2 and selected the menu opton to put me through to the complaints department, then after been transfered another 3 times I ended up speaking to someone in the normal customer service department!! who again could not answer my question and attempted to transfer me again.

They just seem to 'Pass the Buck' if they cannot answer a difficult question to another random department.

All I want for christmas is a PAC code :womanindifferent:
Message 5 of 25

Not applicable
Thats a real shame shopps cos when I've spoken to complaints they've been good, thats why I suggested them....oh well....
Message 6 of 25

Not applicable
i have been with 02 for many years & always sung there praises untill last thur.i rang to swap credit from an unused sim onto a sim ive had about 6 years,i have already done this before with no problems what so ever.anyway i spoke to a young man about it who informed me that they dont do that. i told him that id done it before why couldnt he do it,he told me they dont do it never have & he wasnt going to,his attitude was awfull so i asked to be put through to a manager where apon i was told he wouldnt put me through as a manager would only say the samething he'd just told me.i was fuming by now & told him id requested a manager it wasnt for him to decide if it was worth putting me through to manager or not.his attitude worsend & he said he wasnt putting me through regardless.i totally lost it called him a few names & rang straight back. this time i spoke to a nice helpfull girl the kind of service im used to with 02.iexplained what had happend to her & she informed me that he was right they dont transfer credit over unless ur cancelling the sim it comes from i said i was & she did it no problem,untill she spotted that the male advisor had barred my account!!ive had this no for 6years now.she informed the manager & ban lifted,5 mins after convo my phone blocked,on calling back i was told it can take up 2 72hrs 4 phone to work its now monday morning & still not working no1 has been able to contact me since thur imso angry.any ideas on what to do please?

Message 7 of 25

Not applicable
i have been with 02 for many years & always sung there praises untill last thur.i rang to swap credit from an unused sim onto a sim ive had about 6 years,i have already done this before with no problems what so ever.anyway i spoke to a young man about it who informed me that they dont do that. i told him that id done it before why couldnt he do it,he told me they dont do it never have & he wasnt going to,his attitude was awfull so i asked to be put through to a manager where apon i was told he wouldnt put me through as a manager would only say the samething he'd just told me.i was fuming by now & told him id requested a manager it wasnt for him to decide if it was worth putting me through to manager or not.his attitude worsend & he said he wasnt putting me through regardless.i totally lost it called him a few names & rang straight back. this time i spoke to a nice helpfull girl the kind of service im used to with 02.iexplained what had happend to her & she informed me that he was right they dont transfer credit over unless ur cancelling the sim it comes from i said i was & she did it no problem,untill she spotted that the male advisor had barred my account!!ive had this no for 6years now.she informed the manager & ban lifted,5 mins after convo my phone blocked,on calling back i was told it can take up 2 72hrs 4 phone to work its now monday morning & still not working no1 has been able to contact me since thur imso angry.any ideas on what to do please?

OUCH. I've just read your post and it sounds pretty painful what you've gone through.

So you're phone is currently barred at this current moment? Well what I'd reccomend is calling Complaints one last time, tell them you've had all this out of order service and all you wanted is your ban to be lifted soon as.

If you tell the complaint team about all the bother (it should be on record too), they should speak to their manager and to try and say sorry with some sort of goodwill gesture, I'm not saying its guaranteed but they should do.

If you're not happy with how they have left it, bring up the complaint through Ofcom here,
Message 8 of 25

Not applicable
There is nothing ruder than being ignored.
I emailed customer service from this site 3 times since 7th December and although I received an acknowledgement number for each not a single reply even when i moaned about being ignored.
Do O2 ever reply or are they just picking on me?
By the way it was just a simple tariff query but now they have a very unhappy customer who is now going to throw in my simplicity tariff for pay-as-you-go with someone else. At least that way I can save the frustration of dealing with complacent and arrogant organisations.

I'm not sure if that email even works, but why dont you ask you're question here, theres a million and one people (including me, if I can!)who will answer your question.
Message 9 of 25

Not applicable
why dont you ask you're question here, theres a million and one people (including me, if I can!)who will answer your question.

It works just fine when you're paying them extra cash. They were quick to add my bolt-on. They even gave it free till I told them - silly me slight_smile

To be fair they were pretty quick via email when I wanted to replace my 2G SIM with a 3G one. They even activated it within 4 hours after I received it and sent them the SIM serial number.

I depends on who reads your email, I suppose.

Message 10 of 25