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O2 recycle scam!!!

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I did the 02 refresh and upgraded my iPhone 7 last week. I went ahead with accepting £175 for my phone via the o2 recycle at the same time as upgrading my contract. I received the packaging and it was flimsy so added some secure bubble wrap and cloth to protect phone. Took photos for insurance purposes and paid the extra at post office to insure it and have next day signed for delivery. First attempt to deliver they refuse the package and redeliver today. The I get an email telling me they can’t offer me £175 for my perfect condition 128gb iPhone but can give me £35 instead. Because of “Screen damage” Discoloured area on lcd (shading).
I rang this scam lot today and demanded they return it because I know there was nothing wrong with it and when I said it had been seen last week, I was told they were incorrect to tell me it was ok.
Interestingly it was apple I saw last week to take advantage of the battery upgrade for £25 and they also checked phone over! Then realised after I could upgrade phone!
I’m disgusted with you o2 as I googled this issue and it’s very rude this scam. I’m telling the world about this as no one else should be conned it’s bern too many times from what I’ve witnessed
Now I’m awaiting return of my phone and it better be the one I sent
Message 1 of 10

Level 94: Supreme
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This is getting all too common with O2 Recycle.Evil

Make sure the IMEI number matches yours when the phone is returned.

You will get a far better price from CEX or Mazuma Mobile

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 2 of 10

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I’m shocked and disgusted and what’s even worse I paid 02 out for the remainder of my contract which ended after Xmas for the upgrade. I’m also insured with o2 as well
Total rip off and I’m going to blast YouTube with it later
Message 3 of 10

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Let's hope these ham-fisted butter-fingered rogues haven't damaged or swapped the phone. Awful service again.

Message 4 of 10

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It's so basic.


In order to retain and build any relationship, you first have to establish trust. In business, just the same as in personal relatioships. Once that trust is compromised, then everything has to be revalued.


Its so simple.


If they decide not to honour the agreement, they should then return the phone to you at their expense. Just like eBay. 


This shabby behaviour by O2 or their agents can cause huge damage to their reputation which they nurture by spending collossal amounts in marketing and advertising.


From your point of view you feel that you have been the victim of a scam.


From O2's point of view they (or the agent acting on their behalf) have shot themselves in the foot and whatever happens now is going to be expensive.


Either they honour the original agreement and apologise (by far the cheapest option) or they risk having their reputation dragged through the mud.


Best of luck, and power to your elbow.




Message 5 of 10

Level 21: Regular
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The last few times I’ve recycled a handset has been with Music Magpie and they’ve always paid me the quoted rate so they are worth a look when you get your phone back

Message 6 of 10

Level 94: Supreme
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They continue to dupe people. In the beginning, the idea was that these phones were recycled to third world companies but I'm guessing that employees of this sometimes disgraceful company are buying these phones at rip off prices and selling them (that's just my opinion btw).

Message 7 of 10

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Absolutely disgraceful. These type of things always seem like a company trying to rip off their customers. Saw a similar thing going on with go pro, send your old one and get £50 off the new one or something like that! 

 I’d highly recommend always having a back up phone anyway as you never know when you may need it. It’s so important nowadays for everything, if you’re on holiday and lose your phone or it is damaged then a back up phone is your life line to get home. Keep photo of your passport in there too incase that is lost or stolen.  Insurance claims often take a lot of time to process, especially if you require a usage report!  

Message 8 of 10

Level 77: Grand Master
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@KRB78 wrote:

Absolutely disgraceful. These type of things always seem like a company trying to rip off their customers. Saw a similar thing going on with go pro, send your old one and get £50 off the new one or something like that! 

 I’d highly recommend always having a back up phone anyway as you never know when you may need it. It’s so important nowadays for everything, if you’re on holiday and lose your phone or it is damaged then a back up phone is your life line to get home. Keep photo of your passport in there too incase that is lost or stolen.  Insurance claims often take a lot of time to process, especially if you require a usage report!  

You pick an old thread to resuscitate, @KRB78 - 2018?


And from someone probably long-since moved on to pastures new:


But you are correct - better off using a walk-in service, such as CEX or similar.


Message 9 of 10

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Not sure how that happened, was looking at o2 scamming people and replied without looking at the date of it  

Message 10 of 10