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O2 listen up

Not applicable

It clear to see from twitter and the threads here people are not happy with the info or way your handling this iPhone 5 upgrade, sim card swap, price info if your not going to listen to your customer they will walk people are doing it cheaper with more info and a better deal 

You and Vodafone once had the best network coverage in the UK that has now all changed so listen to your customer that some have been with you from before you were O2 and get it change now not after we move networks key points people are not happy with 


1) contract lengths 

2) no upgrades Early 

3) no nano sim before before Friday for customer with a order 

4) lack of information on all fronts and people telling different information 

5) 1Gb data max what that all about.


Its a clear message your customers are telling you via different sources so listen to us with are what make you!

Message 1 of 97

Not applicable
Unfortunately, intentionally or otherwise, you don't seem to want people to post a opinion.
troll? look thru my postings . I haven't flamed o2 or anyone. quite the opposite .
why do you have to reply to nearly every post is it to get over 30000 posts with inane answers?
tb aka troll.
Message 91 of 97

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....and boring.....
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 92 of 97

Not applicable
oh sorry , inane and boring.

tb aka troll
Message 93 of 97

Level 94: Supreme
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I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 94 of 97

Not applicable
thank you sir. good night.
Message 95 of 97

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Come on guys, play nicely.:smileyhappy:


We have to accept that the forum has changed and will never revert to it's previous format.


We either accept and embrace the way things are or we move on. Of course we all hate the iphone annual craziness but that will soon end.


As I have said previously, I will hang around as the forum helps to fill an enormous empty void in my life at the moment. There! I've said it, no empty threats or gestures.


If things get to a stage where I can no longer accept the way things are going, then I will just quietly disappear into the sunset!


.......but not quite yetwink.gif

Message 96 of 97

Not applicable

@ewanrw wrote:

Re: Historic Members



This isn't meant to be cheeky or patronising, but maybe it's time to embrace the change, and the new community format, instead of complaining about how different it is from the old forums. 


It's all gone a bit Who Moved My Cheese, so you can either go extinct like the old forums, or move with the times.


Just a thought.



Change for improvement is acceptable. Change to achieve some ulterior motive is not.


The problem, the only problem, with the old forum was that spammers had easy access.


The new forum has effectively achieved a "clean" website. So all the other changes are essentially unneccessary. 

Message 97 of 97