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O2 adopting late 1990's Orange style customer services

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I have three numbers with o2, basically, three contracts if you like. The main issue is I used to get an ok signal where I live (a village with over 5000 residents) 2 miles from a large city in a flat area. Now, I don't get a signal at all, maybe a bar, for  a few hours a day. the Vodafone signal here is max, as is EE...


I had an issue with payment of a bill because I wasn't able to call the automated service so I did it online, it got to the verified by Visa stage and let me continue and the page basically timed out. As I used to get payment confirmation emails from o2, but they stopped bothering (so I can't work out if the payment worked or not till it appears on my statement) I presumed the payment had gone through.


I was paying the bill late, as I cancelled the direct debit as it was taking three payment throughout the month, instead of amalgamating like any other 21st century phone operator does. I received a letter saying I was being disconnected, obviously the payment had not gone through, so I went online again and paid  it.  I then rang up o2 to check and a quite reasonable Scottish guy (at first, later, couldn't care less) told me it was disconnected now and I had to pay £15 to reconnect. I mentioned my belief I had paid, but he did not care and told me I had to pay the £15 to get anywhere.


Walked in the cold to stand on literally a muddy hillock (only place to get a signal) in a field to speak to someone in CS again today and the first person also couldn't care less, wasn't interested i'd been on hold for 38 minutes and was outside) even though I mentioned I would not be reneweing two contracts and would be returning a recent one, under distance selling. I asked to be put through to someone in payment to explain my plight and question why they not waiver the £15 and spoke to the most aggressive little jobsworth ever, since I was with Orange years ago. I thought at one point I was talking to my dad, and I was 6.


Do o2 not care about customer retentions or so they just like employing people who talk to customers like scum ? This message will be all over Moneysaving expert and the like, so if the mods here want to delete it, go for it.


Does anyone from o2 read this ?

Message 1 of 13

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Part of the agreement you signed up to states that your monthly payments are made by direct debit, if you then cancel it you are almost certain to have problems.


Any problems with your account could have been sorted out without doing that.


Now you must pay the fee.

To support Disasters Emergency Committee: text Nepal to 70000 to send £5

Sky Unlimited Broadband - Windows 10 - Nexus 4 Android 5.1.1
Message 2 of 13

Not applicable

With regard to your signal issues, if you used to receive a reasonable signal but now you receive little to none, there are processes in palce to deal with this and you'll need to follow them to get anywhere. Did you call customer service and explain this to them before your had the payment problems?


It is also possible to have all of the bills come out at the same time, again you'd need to call customer service for this. With the reconenction fee, it's unlikely that this will be waived, it wasn't the fault of O2 that you hadn't paid your bill on time as you chose to cancel your direct debit which is the easiest way to make sure you pay your bill on time.


This is a customer forum, it isn't really monitored in any official capacity so if you're unhappy with your experience you'll have to speak to customer service or make a complaint, however as there wasn't any wrongdoing on the part of O2 I wouldn't expect much from this.


Message 3 of 13

Level 94: Supreme
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Hmmm, I cancelled my DD, got cut (who'd have thought it) and now it's O2's fault..... LOL slight_smile
Make sure you link back here to your MSE threads so everyone gets the full story wink
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 4 of 13

Not applicable

'Now you must pay i'm afraid'


This isn't 1960's Soviet Union, I will pay the connection fee, but O2 will pay because I will null my recent contracts under distance selling regs.  In the end, that is profit they won't make. You treat customers like dirt and they will repay in kind.



Message 5 of 13

Not applicable

Well that escalated quickly

Message 6 of 13

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LOL, the words babies, toys and pram come to mind, what a pathetic response.


Nice one KyleB! Smiley LOL

To support Disasters Emergency Committee: text Nepal to 70000 to send £5

Sky Unlimited Broadband - Windows 10 - Nexus 4 Android 5.1.1
Message 7 of 13

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Message 8 of 13

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Many years ago I worked in the call centre and customer reception at the Cable Corporation.  You wouldn't believe the amount of abuse I got from people who hadn't paid their bill and wondered why either their phone was cut off!



Message 9 of 13

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I can easily believe that Tracey, going by many of the posts on here, it clearly states in the terms that you must pay by DD, yet so many say they have cancelled it and wonder why they get charged a re-connection fee! Smiley Surprised


I bet it was all your fault they were cut off, as in you personally!


To support Disasters Emergency Committee: text Nepal to 70000 to send £5

Sky Unlimited Broadband - Windows 10 - Nexus 4 Android 5.1.1
Message 10 of 13