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O2 Manager - A Liar

Not applicable

So I rang o2 when the network went down and was told by an o2 manager; there is a T&C in my contract that says


"o2 will not guarantee service is up and running 365 days a year"


As I had the T&C's open I asked for him to point out where this new condition was on the contract and when it was applied as it was not in there on the last outage. He told me it was on the T&C's.


Then I asked if it is there, what about leap years? 366 days in the year? He stopped, told me to give him a minute so he could find it whilst he put me on hold.


He returned and asked me to read section 2.2 (thick walls/atmospheric/geographic effects on a fault free service). I repeated my request for him to point out where I agreed to to the 365 day condition where o2 does not have to give me the service he went to find out about and he then told me to read 2.2. again and asked does this not mean we are covered for 365 days?


For a joke I said well in a leap year are you therefore guaranteeing me I will get a fault free service for one day of the year... He could not answer that,


Are o2 allowed to manipulate T&C's and reword them and make things up as they go along? Are managers allowed to defraud customers?


If so I am finally leaving o2 when my contract is up - these guys not only have a faulty network - their managers have faulty brains!


O2 have given me £30 in order to prevent me from going to ofcom and acceptance of his imagined clause in the contract... does o2 have a rule in employing incompetent managers only or is it just this single individual?



Message 1 of 59

Level 69: Guiding Light
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It's here in the standard terms that you agreed to:


2.2 The Service isn’t fault-free; a range of different geographic, atmospheric or other conditions or circumstances beyond our control can impair it. For instance, coverage is affected by things like the thickness of the walls of the building you’re in. It might also depend on how many people near you are trying to use the Service at the same time. For more information about the things that affect coverage, please look at the dedicated Network pages of our Website. You’re entitled to the quality of service generally given by a competent mobile telecommunications service provider, using its reasonable skill and care.

To support Disasters Emergency Committee: text Nepal to 70000 to send £5

Sky Unlimited Broadband - Windows 10 - Nexus 4 Android 5.1.1
Message 2 of 59

Not applicable
Hi ISq,

Really sorry to hear about those problems. I've slightly edited your message and removed the persons name though.
Message 3 of 59

Not applicable

Theres is nothing about o2 not guaranteeing a service for 365 days of the year there at all. Section 2.2. just says the service is not fault free due to conditions out of o2's control right?


So if you have managers rewording and giving me new terms not in the contract then either they should be there word for word, or not spoken about at all.


Do you believe it is okay to manipulate T&C's when you have the role of a manager at o2 or just read section 2,2, as it is?

Message 4 of 59

Not applicable

No problem and I am really sorry to have raised the issue of lying managers to our o2 community.


Bottom line - if your speaking to managers on o2 customer service, just know they will illegally manipulate terms to suite the purpose of their agenda to mislead people.


I can appreciate o2 is happy to pay for errors and I invite peoples opinions on whether or not such disregard for written T&C's or manipulation of them are decent/legal/honest/truthful.

Message 5 of 59

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Mountains and molehills, simply a mistake.Smiley Indifferent

To support Disasters Emergency Committee: text Nepal to 70000 to send £5

Sky Unlimited Broadband - Windows 10 - Nexus 4 Android 5.1.1
Message 6 of 59

Not applicable

Perksy - in the world of rental contracts with large companies these are the mistakes an organisation would train staff not to make.


Being caught out by customers is not exactly an achievment and I can appreciate people making mistakes.


The o2 manager did in fact say "I don't care if you complain about me" after I threatened to complain about him verbally adding new terms to the contract.


What happened to companies striving to employ just the best? Training people to know what their customers actually pay for?


How can you possibly be a manager and discuss the outage with a customer when you don't even know what the T&C's put in place to protect o2 are in the first place?

Message 7 of 59

Not applicable

he's right though. they wont guarantee a service is up and running 365 days a year, in fact no company will guarantee that.


you're just being pedantic.

Message 8 of 59

Level 94: Supreme
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@Anonymous wrote:

he's right though. they wont guarantee a service is up and running 365 days a year, in fact no company will guarantee that.


you're just being pedantic.



Message 9 of 59

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Agreed, its purely pedantic to harp on about the exact wording when its presumed "as a service" it will not remain up at all times during the year which is why its described as such in the T&C's in all network agreements since the dawn of telecoms. 


You could try it in a court of law but any judge would probably chastise you for wasting court time on a trivial matter. 

Message 10 of 59