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O2 Loosing iPhone exclusivity

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I note that the Palm Pre launch has been brought forward which is very interesting as it coincides with the rumoured date that the Apple iPhone exclusive contract end with O2.

I have to say after the shabby way O2 have treated my wife (O2 customer for 10 years) I will be setting her up with an iPhone from another network provider.

Maybe as the exodus occurs someone in the ivory towers will actually wake up and see that these customer thingies that pay their wages are a little bit upset with O2.
Message 1 of 17

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Even if / when o2 lose exclusivity on the iPhone as rumoured, it'll only be for the 3G, not the 3GS, so there's hardly likely to be an exodus from o2.

Folk who are at the end of a contract and looking for a new provider, or a customer on Orange (or whoever are licenced to sell the 3G) might want it as an upgrade, but I think it's unlikely sales will be high.

I mean who wants "yesterdays model"?

(well, yes, me, obviously, but I bought it before the 3GS came out and I'm happy with it, and never had a data outage yet:))

Message 2 of 17

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somethings definatly happening as it now seems that o2 will also be getting the HTC HD2.. a phone that has been designed to go head to head with the iphone. Added to the fact o2 havnt realeased a good winmo phone for at least a year, id say its a dead cert they are losing iphone exclusivity and are suddenly realising their range sucks!
Message 3 of 17

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Hey guys, just to let you know that when the i phone does get released it will give you quicker internet speeds than what o2 will ever be able to give you. Vodafone lead this market as they run at 7.2mbps compared to 02 3.6mbps, so the iphone 3g and 3gs still run at the same internet speeds, so realistic what is the difference other than the stupid prices that apple ditate to them! Vodafone new m1 is amzzing phone, does everything the iphone does and even has a decent camera!
Message 5 of 17

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with exclusivity on the palm pre, I dont think o2 will be to worried losing the exclusivity on the 3g, asd long as they market the pre properly, having already played with the pre, It beats the IPhone on so many levels
Message 6 of 17

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Hey guys, just to let you know that when the i phone does get released it will give you quicker internet speeds than what o2 will ever be able to give you. Vodafone lead this market as they run at 7.2mbps compared to 02 3.6mbps, so the iphone 3g and 3gs still run at the same internet speeds

If the rumour about other networks getting the iPhone 3G (not 3GS) are true, then internet connections will be restricted to 3.6mbps as that is the max that device supports, regardless of the network speeds supported. Only the 3GS device is capable of 7.2mbps.
Message 7 of 17

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Well as I said the PRE announcement is a marketing idea to help fill the gaps as the floodgates open.

As O2 customers who like iPhones we now have a choice of service providers.

I do hope this means that we are now going to be treated a little better and given a wider choice of tariffs.

Let face it if you keep us happy we normally can’t be bothered to change but if you treat us like dog dirt then guess what we leave.

Now all we need is for SKY to get some real competition and I will be a very happy teddy.

PS I do like the PRE !!!!
Message 8 of 17

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I think O2 will see a significant loss of iPhone customers to Orange and Vodafone. The O2 network stinks and they hacked off thousands of early adopters with the 3GS upgrade thing. Every iPhone user I have spoken to about this is leaving for Orange in December.
Message 9 of 17

Not applicable
Orange will be selling both 3G and 3GS. Just to correct something I read earlier on the thread.
Message 10 of 17