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O2 Fraud team apparently doing nothing

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So in May I was the victim of fraud with a scammer managing to take out a total of three contracts across two new numbers and one handset all in my name.  The first I knew about this was receiving direct debit confirmations from O2; first of all I’m shocked someone was able to do this without confirming identities etc.  I reported this to both action fraud (I have a crime number) and to O2 on the 12th May at which point I’m told it had been raised with the fraud team and I’d be contacted within 3-5 days; it’s now been 38days!  So in that time I’ve had nothing from the fraud team, I’ve chased O2 several times through customer services and gotten nowhere and twice been promised call backs from a manger within 48 hours though had absolutely nothing on this.  So what have I had from O2? Two lots of letters (the latest arriving over the weekend) demanding payment and threatening action if this doesn’t happen.  So once again customer services acknowledge the fraud is under investigation but have no idea what’s happening beyond that and have no way of pausing the payment demands.  

At this stage it seems O2 will push ahead with their threats and try to charge me the full contract fees, wreck my credit score and then set debt collectors onto me.  I’m totally at my wits end here getting nowhere with customer services, unable to contact the fraud team or get any kind of call back from anyone in a position to help.


unfortunately from the messages on this community this terrible response seems all too common.



Message 1 of 11

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The Fraud team have to be meticulous in their approach to this type of thing, which does, alas, take time. I will tag a Forum O2 Advisor to see if there is anything she can do after 8am Tuesday, but Fraud is a separate, closed, department, @Roblt.

@O2Sarah-, is there anything you can do here? Thanks!

Message 2 of 11

Level 78: King of Kings
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So you have been a victim of identity theft, I would be reporting it to Action Fraud and also let your bank know, and get a marker put on your credit report, Transunion, and Experian can tell you how to do this


The rules around what o2 and other entities can tell you are very strict, as it can be classed as tipping off, as no offence but you could be the one who is the fraudster. 

It may have been passed to the police as well, which will mean you may never get an answer, if it becomes a criminal matter. 


Also if o2 suspect you have been negligent with any of your information on the account, then you are liable for the debt. 

This is not customer services and we dont have access to your account
I do not work for o2 or any VMo2 /Telefonica/Liberty Global Company
Message 3 of 11

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As you've done the reporting to O2 and action fraud already you need to speak to payment management and ask them to defer payments whilst your account is under investigation.

It does take some weeks for the fraud team to complete their investigation unfortunately so hang on in there and good luck.

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 4 of 11

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Thanks for the tag @pgn 

It's possible I might not be able to see anything here either. The fraud team will usually have any credit file issues amended once their investigation is completed. 

@Roblt I will send you a private message to see if there is anything I can do. 

Message 5 of 11

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At least you got through to them… been with o2 months and still can’t get through to anyone except a computer who repeats herself no matter what option you press.

Message 6 of 11

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If you have a police crime number they will have to back down - forward it to them. They can’t pursue you if you have a report of fraud with the police. 

Message 7 of 11

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Hi @Roblt 


Can I ask if this has now been resolved?


My wife is having the exact same issue. Two fraudulent accounts were set up in her name in June. She received default letters in July and reported it straight away. O2 said it was with the fraud team but it still hasn’t been resolved and she has been chasing it ever since. She must have called 10 time by now and she received a letter from a debt collector this week. Nobody at customer services seems to do anything and she is at a complete loss on what to do!


Any advice you can offer would be greatly appreciated!

Message 8 of 11

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Hi @O2Sarah- 


My wife is having the exact same problem as @Roblt. She has been waiting for a resolution since July (see my reply). Is there anything you can do to help?

Message 9 of 11

Level 69: Guiding Light
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@TJC86 Sorry, O2 have withdrawn all the Advisors on here. Just us customers now and we have not access to accounts etc.

This is not O2 and we are all customers here similar to yourself and cannot answer account type queries.
Message 10 of 11