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MMS no longer inclusive - is this fair?

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Is it just me, or do you agree that this is rather outrageous? O2 appear to be offering an enhancement with unlimited texts. However, for the majority of customers (or me anyway), a threshold of 500 texts was a enormous excess - meaning that MMS were essentially inclusive. Now they will cost 20p each. I don't think this is fair or reasonable; I would rather go back to my 500 text limit.

I have written to Mr Dunne on this matter. I'd be interested to know what other people think.


Message 1 of 24

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You have advised that it's a problem for those who currently do not pay BUT it's not, it's a problem to you and a select few! The majority of customers with O2 do upgrade at renewal time and also most people unlike yourself are aware of the different tariffs that are avalible to them because there maybe a better deal to be had for them.

Again, i iwould ask you to show me figures for this statement.

What would you have done if you had purchased the first gen iPhone or iPhone 3G, both of which lacked mms at the outset and although some people complained the bulk of customers did not. I'll also point out that new Nokia smart phones are slowly having the mms function removed as there is little call on the industry for such applications.

But i didnt purchase a iphone did i? I told you i looked around for the right tariff. Had i not wanted MMS then i wouldnt have bothered to make sure i could get them.

Just because you and a select few have failed to pay attention to the bigger picture out there dies not mean O2 or any other network will bend over just for you. You either stick with your contract and buy sim free or you take what's on offer from not just O2 but every other network out there.

Now thats just rubbish. Why on earth would i need to pay attention to something that doesn't concern me?
I dont expect O2 to offer me anything, ive already said that.
Going sim free is a good idea though. Think of the money i could save by buying a iphone sim free. I reckon i could save around £20 a year. Cheers for the suggestion.
There is not enough demand, it uses data, bogs down the network and with email on phones most people would rather use that than be restricted to 300kb

At the end of the day the tariff changes came in a few months ago without fuss to renewing and new customers as well as those taking up a better tariff deal. If there had been a detrimental effect on O2 they would have reinstated it but there's not been so they won't.

you seem so wrapped up in your little self righteous world that your not even arguing my point.

MY POINT IS I CAN UNDERSTAND SOMEONE BEING SHOCKED AT LOSING THEIR FREE MMS. Nothing else and i dont give a toss that its fine for you.

Maybe you need to re read my post (get a child to help you if you get stuck)

Bye, its been fun but i have no time for people like you. ill not be back on this forum so say what you want but hopefully you will grow up at some point.
Message 21 of 24

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Bye, its been fun but i have no time for people like you. ill not be back on this forum so say what you want but hopefully you will grow up at some point.

Oh dear, growing up is hard! So is flouncing properly, bet you can't manage it. Goodbye then!
Message 22 of 24

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Crikey! Speaking as a self-confessed Apple fanboy, I had know idea that such cult status could be accorded to a mobile-phone network. However, since I began this thread I have realised that there does exist a vocal subgroup of O2 fanboys (and fangirls). No insult intended, but it's very illuminating… :mansurprised:
Message 23 of 24

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Crikey! Speaking as a self-confessed Apple fanboy, I had know idea that such cult status could be accorded to a mobile-phone network. However, since I began this thread I have realised that there does exist a vocal subgroup of O2 fanboys (and fangirls). No insult intended, but it's very illuminating… :mansurprised:

With every action there is an equal an opposite reaction!

Just as well we are not all O2 haters,this would be quite a sad place to be.

I am regularly moderated and I have had a few spats with O2, but I try not allow this to numb the few working neurons that I possess. If not being a sheep makes me a fanboy, then my cap is fitting just fine.
Message 24 of 24