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Leaving O2 (anyone else feeling the same?)

Not applicable
I know this has been discussed a few times before but i just wanted to see if anyone was getting the same impression from O2 that i have been getting?

I have been an O2 Pay monthly customer for 6 years , my average monthly spend across this period has been £50 a month. before taking out the monthly contract i was a PAYG customer for 3 years regularly updating my phone and topping up at least £20 a month.

I have had no problems with the service recieved, and the contracts offered have always been good value and provided me with a choice of handsets and options..... untill recently that is!

The reason i have now decided to leave O2 is because they are basically giving me no choice.

The contracts are no longer competative and the choice of handsets is currently by far the worst on the market. If you dont want a iPhone there is very little to chose from, and what is on offer is outdated.

My last contract expired in May, i enquired about the iphone but for what i wanted it was to expensive and decided against taking the contract but was willing to wait for new options to arrive and switched to the £20 simplicity to fill the gap in contracts and see what O2 would have done once the second quater came to and end.

What they did was nothing! There are very few new desirable handsets and nothing has been offered to me by O2 (basically i think their is little interest in holding onto customers who dont want an iphone or something similar). So basically i have only one option left move to orange or vodaphone and actually get some choice.

Im pretty dissapointed i dont really want to leave O2 but there is nothing on offer i want and no sign of this changing. 4 months down the line and the choice of handsets still hasnt changed.

Is anyone else finding the same thing when it comes to remewing thier contract??
Message 1 of 105
104 REPLIES 104

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nice to hear the positive feedback after all that! well done you lets keep plodding on and instead of voting with your feet/ phone vote with your pen and paper it does actually work if you moan to the right listener!
yes grin wink grin wink :robotindifferent: tongue :mansurprised:
Message 71 of 105

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i've been with O2 since back in the BT Cellnet days but i feel that compared to say... orange the choice of handsets is dire to say the least.
after all these years of loyalty to O2 shouldnt i get something in return?
Message 72 of 105

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I just want to make sure I get good reception for voice calls and 3G. Orange seem to lead the way in that sector and with T-Mobile joining them, they'll have the most coverage across the UK.
Message 73 of 105

Not applicable
Well got on the phone to o2 yesterday and asked about future products and that there range seemed a little limited at the moment.
These are the products that are coming.
Sony ericsson satio 19th oct
Sony ericsson aino end of oct
palm pre friday the 16th
HTC HD2 19th OCT
Blackerry bold 2 towards end of november
Plus Samsung Zinnia, omnia HD and samsung Genio (never heard of it) are all in the pipe line very soon.
Lovely lady on the phone and excellent service. So hopefully ill be sticking around for a few more years as it looks like o2 maybe turning the corner from being iphone influenced.
She also told me however that there were no plans to get the nokia n900 or nokia x6. Well at least she had heard nothing and they werent even listed.
Well done o2 keep on going forward

Anytime I've called up to ask about what phones they will be stocking within the next month, as I am due to upgrade from the 18th, they have been far from helpful at all! I get the same reply of I don't currently know, you'll have to call up when you can upgrade.
Message 74 of 105

Not applicable
Lets face it, o2 have become too big for their boots mainly due to the fact they gained so many new iphone customers. Before the iphone, o2 offered great handset choices and had customer loyalty. Now that seems to be gone as the iphone is their main product. There are many customers who dont want the iphone (like myself) and when I rang up o2 to get a good upgrade for the SE Satio, I was left gaining my PAC code! o2 dont care if you stay or go now, long as they continue to gain new iphone (soon to be Palm Pre) customers thats the most important thing to them. And the fact that they have spent so much money advertising these products leaves them no choice but to offer little to the existing customer, which is not great.

Although its a good idea to buy a sim free handset and pay for simplicity, a lot of us aint got enough money to cough up £300-400 for a new handset in advance. Id much rather have a free or cheap upgrade and pay for my line rental as normal.

Im happy other other networks are cottoning onto fact that o2 are heavingly focused on the iphone and are therefore offering other alternative handsets for free with good line rental deals. I, for one, will be leaving o2 for Vodafone as I am less than satisfied with the options I have been offered. I know a lot of others are now feeling this way and for those who wanna stay with o2 and pay that extra in belief that they are paying extra for service, good luck to you!
Message 75 of 105

Not applicable
yes I must agree sometimes thay dont seem to know one end of their contarcts from the other as recently I get told totally conflicting information. hmm gone are the days when a sales rep knew it all off by heart. stick to your old values o2 as it does not look good at present. my friend got some problems with his bolt on and to compensate he was told he would get 50 free anytime mins to compensate. low and behold he has not got them are they now going to compensate for the lack of compensation. Come on o2 get it sorted out before the whole thing losses money you could well pocket yourselves a winner by being that bit extra that everyone else seems to be crying out for. /look around you///!!!!!!! take advantage by making your customer take advantage and win win all the way for everyone.
I cannot yet comment on my little saga as I am still compiling my long letter inclusive of photo copies of relevant information.
fingers crossed when the postal strike is over I will have finished it and will let you guys find out what they said word for word. ok slight_smile
Message 76 of 105

Not applicable
I've currently got an Iphone 3G in the last few months of an 18 month contract. I have suffered from the 3G/Iphone problem in the last few weeks with texts not coming through/calls to voicemail etc and have decided to say goodbye to the Iphone. The only other type of phone that matches up for me would be an Android-based one but the only one O2 sells is the Samsung Galaxy, which has had mixed reviews, and, according to other threads, will no longer be supported by Samsung (?)

Really seriously considering going to Orange for a HTC Hero. The only issue is 3G coverage at the stables where I spent too much of my time over the weekend, as so far it seems O2 has the best coverage there. Don't really want to go the unlocked route as it seems some unlocked Android phones have had problems accessing apps in the app store.

I would prefer to stick with O2 because the coverage is better in my local area BUT handset choice is important to me and O2 doesn't seem to embracing the growing Android market with the enthusiasm of the other providers.
Message 77 of 105

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.....I've also been with o2 since the BT Cellnet days but because of their dire choice of handsets that they offer, I've now received my PAC code and I'm off to another network!

I've currently got the iPhone 3G but because o2 refuse to stock the N97 Mini, I'm going across to Vodafone who do stock it.
Message 78 of 105

Not applicable
Lets face it, o2 have become too big for their boots mainly due to the fact they gained so many new iphone customers. Before the iphone, o2 offered great handset choices and had customer loyalty. Now that seems to be gone as the iphone is their main product. There are many customers who dont want the iphone (like myself) and when I rang up o2 to get a good upgrade for the SE Satio, I was left gaining my PAC code! o2 dont care if you stay or go now, long as they continue to gain new iphone (soon to be Palm Pre) customers thats the most important thing to them. And the fact that they have spent so much money advertising these products leaves them no choice but to offer little to the existing customer, which is not great.
Although its a good idea to buy a sim free handset and pay for simplicity, a lot of us aint got enough money to cough up £300-400 for a new handset in advance. Id much rather have a free or cheap upgrade and pay for my line rental as normal.
Im happy other other networks are cottoning onto fact that o2 are heavingly focused on the iphone and are therefore offering other alternative handsets for free with good line rental deals. I, for one, will be leaving o2 for Vodafone as I am less than satisfied with the options I have been offered. I know a lot of others are now feeling this way and for those who wanna stay with o2 and pay that extra in belief that they are paying extra for service, good luck to you!

I negotaited quite a good deal on the Satio. I was in a similar position in that I had previously had a £15 a month discount from o2. I was unhappy with what retentions were offering me with a Satio so e-mailed o2's custoemr services department citing the deals I could get with the Satio from the other networks.

In the end I got the Satio free on an 18 month contract with 600 minutes, unlimited texts *and* unlimited browsing for £35 a month.
Message 79 of 105

Not applicable
.....I've also been with o2 since the BT Cellnet days but because of their dire choice of handsets that they offer, I've now received my PAC code and I'm off to another network!
I've currently got the iPhone 3G but because o2 refuse to stock the N97 Mini, I'm going across to Vodafone who do stock it.

I have been with pretty much every mobile phone company and O2 has by far been the best, Vodafone probably the second, as I have had no problems with them at all. I have a great contract and do not want to move companies again.

However, I feel like they should start listening to what a lot of their customers are saying about the Nokia N97 and the sheer lack of choice in phones on offer.

My contract was up 2 months ago and I really want the Nokia N97 mini phone and was told that they would be stocking the Mini in time for xmas however there is still no sign of it. Fair enough there have been problems in the past with the phone but that is the same with every phone..... they all come with some form of problem. I think they should consider getting this phone in once and for all or they will end up losing a lot of custom. Either that or a better selection.

I don't think they realise that the iphone isn't all what its cracked up to be and not every one wants one. It may be seen as a rival to Nokia but don't they see that if someone wants a specific phone, they won't be forced into buying an iphone and would rather go to another company to get it!? Therefore should stock phones that people want to keep their custom!!!!!!!!!!

Apologies for the rant but I am getting sick of waiting for them to stock decent phones, personally the N97 mini as that is the phone i really want, and have pretty much given up. I would like a new phone before christmas so if nothing has changed within the next couple of weeks.... I will be leaving and taking my custom somewhere else that will appreciate what the customers are looking for!!
Message 80 of 105