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Hey all.

Let's start by saying, I never complain. I usually can't be a###d.

So that should tell you all about how I'm really feeling about this.

I've been with O2 for a very long time, over ten years. Had insurance all that time because more than once it's got me out of a horrible toilet drop or phone falling from car door smash.

I always knew the insurance was on the expensive side but hey ho, I broke my phone, one was delivered to to my door and the nice man took the broken one away.

Well, not any more ladies and gentlemen. Now if you break or damage your phone that nice man arrives at your door, takes your one away and leaves you with nothing. Nothing at all and yes you'll still be paying for your contract. 2 weeks I was left phoneless whilst they decided if the screen was actually broken like I said.

I phoned them multiple times to ask where my replacement was only to be told it was my own fault for having a 64gb samsung s6 edge in gold and this combination was quite rare. Oh I says, well your still selling them on your website so be a good chap and just send me one of those. No I'm told, we couldn't possibly do that because nowadays we wait for some idiot to trade in their phone for a tuppence, give that a wipe and then we'll send that straight to you.

Oh right I said, that sounds brilliant. Really don't remember you advertising this but then again because I'm silly enough to be paying a fortune a month for an insurance that will send me someone's old phone I probably read it then totally forgot.

Anyway long story short cause I'm boring my self. Those good old chaps couldn't find out get a gold one so sent me a black one. I know the gold is a gay colour but I sure when I ordered it and paid 60 a month including insurance, I did ask because it was gold. If O2 didn't have the gold one I'd have gone with whomever did.

To be honest the reason I'm so f####d off is the attitude of the woman I had to deal with. I had to explain why I thought it was necessary to get a gold one, surely paying 10 a month on top is enough reason to not have to explain my self.

Right that's it over. Well one more swear word never hurt, F#####g B###s##t.

Ok that was two. Imagine having no phone for two weeks and being told if I toddled along to an O2 shop they would kindly let me give them 50 quid for a shot of, and I quote here "non smart phone"

It's a wonder they never offered insurance with that. O2, your maybe missing a trick here.


Message 1 of 15

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Sorry about the crap English at points but I was typing angry.

And sorry about moaning. But if this has happened to anyone else, I think O2 get a talking to from us loyal customers.
Message 2 of 15

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Hi @Hasting_s I agree, insurance terms and conditions appear to have changed over the years.I think getting a replacement phone nowadays is dependent on your type of policy. You can make a complaint here  and maybe think of shopping around for a different insurance. There are better and cheaper ones out there. Not going to help you in this instance but maybe for the furture?


Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 3 of 15

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@Hasting_s wrote:
Sorry about the crap English at points but I was typing angry.

PS. I don't think your English was were telling us, in a very articulate way, just how angry you are.

You are entitled to rant. I know you don't find any of this experience amusing at all... but I admit to having a little smile at your explanation of why you wanted a gold phone....and how you were 'told' to 'toddle off'....

Welcome to the forum by the way @Hasting_s Welcome As a customer like yourself, I honestly feel angry on your behalf... I hope it all gets sorted soon.

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 4 of 15

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I just want to say that I absolutely love your post.
It won't help you get a new phone but I just wanted to let you know.
Insurance is a con and a waste of money these days unfortunately and I hope you get some resolution soon.
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Message 5 of 15

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The pitfalls of O2 insurance and having a rare handset. I tend to despise most insurers these days with their ever lengthening terms and conditions and their inability to deliver like for like replacements in an acceptable time frame.

You have every reason to feel like you do and I must say you write with a certain eloquence.  I hope they sort this complaint out to your satisfaction as soon as possible. 

Message 6 of 15

Level 56: Guvnor
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Not sure the best selling s6 could be classed as "rare"
That's what they told me about z5p gold, but kept calling and telling them I'd wait.
In the end a brand new one came
Message 7 of 15

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Thanks again for your kind comments.

I used to let O2 overcharge for phones and their tariffs mainly due to the fact that I could phone some women in Bangladesh, tell her I'd just dropped my phone in the bath whilst being very silly.

I mean I even let them off with not having a wifi calling app for years whilst my friend's chatted away on their EE thingys and I just sat in a corner.

I've even let them off with the abisml wifi app they finally came out with which was definitely made by some poor guy in a cave that really hated his job being poked by sticks from some top guy telling him to hurry up.

I forgave all this because I knew the next time I was being silly in the bath some guy in a van would bring me a new one when it got soaked.

But I'm now saying no, even though I don't like EE, just because I don't like the name. I'm sure they're great. I even liked O2 because they never stuck that horrible orange thing on the phone, remember them?!

I'm simple and I'm lazy and I always play my bill which makes me the best kind of customer but take away the man at my door bringing me a phone and you've wrecked it.

If you've wrecked it for someone as lazy as me then you really have screwed up.

Also do you think there is any way I could get compensation for the amount of time I've spent writing this s##t? I think I'm definitely due a tenner.

Oh I nearly forgot, yes I had a strange, weird, make up of phone but the ba####ds had them for sale on their O2 shoppy. And I think that is cheeky as f##k. So yes a rare phone but they had no qualms in insuring it.

The thing I miss most about my gold phone is the looks I used to get from my friends as I held it aloft trying to be the center of attention. This bloody boring black phone I've got just doesn't do the trick.
Message 8 of 15

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Yes no street cred with the 'everyone has one' boring black phone. I remember the wow reaction when I whipped out my Note 4 in Thailand.... well it was rare there at the time😉

I was using rare as per the insurance company's opinion, gold 64GB, so maybe rare to find except at any phone retailer. 

Message 9 of 15

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Please stay and write some more - I'm loving it slight_smile
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 10 of 15