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How should we improve announcement on phone releases and software updates?

Not applicable

Hi guys,


Over the last few months, we've had several discussions about how we announce phone releases and software updates. Because we'd like to improve these announcement in a way that works for you, I'd really love to hear what kind of improvements you'd like to see.


So, please keep it constructive and I'll see what we can work out slight_smile




Message 1 of 25

Not applicable

You said 'we'd like to improve these announcement', the problem is, in the case of the BB10 update there were no announcements, and as far as I'm aware there still has been no official announcement that the update is available.


It seems to me from posts I've seen on this forum that when O2 representatives were questioned on the BB10 update, they seemed to adopt the line 'I haven't been told about it so it doesn't exist'.  O2 representatives (whether contacted through this forum or Twitter or wherever) need to be proactive in finding answers to questions they don't know the answers to and getting those answers to the customer.


I've heard a 10.1 update is coming in the not too distant future (an order of a few months), I do hope when it arrives we'll be kept in the loop.

Message 11 of 25

Not applicable
Good points so far, guys. Thanks for that.

It's difficult for us to help improve the testing or release process of devices and software, but we can certainly look at how we communicate about it on the forum.

Would love to get additional thoughts on how you'd like us to present info, what information you'd like to see, etc. So, please feel free to jump in and speak your mind slight_smile

Message 12 of 25

Not applicable

I'd be happy just knowing you have updates & are testing them, not too worried about you reporting timeframes, because I know these can change at short notice.  Also, when the update is finally ready that should be reported in the same way (see below).


Would be easy to relay this info on Twitter, or on the My O2 page, my 'My O2' knows which phone I have so I'd have thought it would be possible to add another section in that giving relevant update information, though I realise not all customers would have their phone identified.


Another thought is an SMS 'opt in' where customers select which models of phone they get updates (the information type) for.  I'm sure this would be technically possible to achieve.

Message 13 of 25

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Some great points Kuno.

The device notifications is a very interesting one.

Have you seen an example of it elsewhere?

Cheers, Toby
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Message 14 of 25

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I'm afraid I haven't

Message 15 of 25

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No worries slight_smile

I like it though!

If anyone has any more thoughts or ideas, post them here.

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Message 16 of 25

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I think the one thing that was evidenced from the BlackBerry 10 update fiasco is that NONE of the customer facing reps were aware of any update either being released by BlackBerry nor of anyone at O2 currently working on an update that was to be released.


It would probably make sense, particularly with updates that are pushed to users by O2 rather than from the manufacturer (ie, Apple), that internal communications are improved. As mentioned above, users like myself were aware there was an update available and had been released by other carriers yet everyone I had communications with at O2 seemed to be clueless as to its existance...despite that fact that there must have been quite a few people within the organisation that knew it was being worked on prior to being pushed to users. This communication (or lack there of) is what i would like to see improved...that way when customers speak to support we can be sure that they are firmly in the loop.


On another note, and as mentioned by someone else above...there STILL hasnt been an official announcement on the release of the BB10 update!

Message 17 of 25

Not applicable

PapaDug correctly raises the issue of O2 internal communications. This is absolutely fundemental to being able to communicate externally in a consistent manner. A large and complex organisation is no longer an excuse.

It is also important for O2 to realise that this type of forum is liable to attract geeks enthusiasts, who may take a little more interest in the technical aspects of their service / phones. There were times when I felt I was being fobbed off rather conescendingly with a stock, easy, answer, when my only question was 'Why?' (which still wasn't answered).


O2 should be in a position to inform the customer of plans affecting service - it seems the teccies chose to remain secretive either through ignorance or contempt, which unfortunately put Leonard in an awkward spot.


Kuno's ideas for customer opt in across various channels are good - the onus would then be on O2 to use them

Message 18 of 25

Not applicable

@Papadug: That's exactly what I'm trying to do with this thread, getting your input on what you'd like to see so we can improve internal communication to suit your needs. For example, I'm just on the train back from Bury where I've spoken to the social support team about device and software related queries to make sure we take the right approach.


It would be great to hear your suggestions or thoughts on that

Tomorrow, I'm sitting down to go through all the feedback so far and will talk to our brand and device team afterwards to see what we can do.

So, keep 'em coming, guys! The more body, input and suggestions, the better slight_smile


Message 19 of 25

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Just don't delay. If the manufacturer releases an update get your branding on it and send it out immediately. It can't be too difficult wink
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Message 20 of 25