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Guildford: Sporadic to no mobile data coverage

Level 1: Joiner
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Hi, I have an iphone SE 3rd generation. It works fine everywhere BUT Guildford and Woking. The mobile data in the town centre is so bad that I basically can’t use my phone normally when I’m there. This issue has beem going on for four years. Have been in contact with customer services who were not helpful. Have also spoke to random people in Guildford who share the experience. What is going on? Is there a setting I can change? Someone mentioned a mast the phone connects to, but the mast has a fault with it. Why is this not being fixed??

Message 1 of 11

Level 9: Fired up
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@CAmilla1 wrote:

Isn't O2 a national service? I mean, it SHOULD work everywhere. I understand low coverage in a forest, but right in the middle of a large town?

All mobile networks have good & bad coverage areas, but some more than most - which is where national benchmarking surveys come in.. comparing the networks at a high-level. O2 generally perform the worst of the big-4 in this regard. There are a combination of factors for this.


This is not a CS-issue in that O2-networks are waiting for CS-complaints to roll in before resolving an issue, and there'll be similar examples up & down the country, to varying degrees. And all networks have them, to  varying degrees - but some more than others.


Technically, every site solution is different and will have its own complexities and reasons for delay. Some may be budget-related, some may be logistical, some may be third-party or planning/legal, and numerous other factors thrown in.


Your next step depends what you're seeking to achieve. If it's to "make a point", then by all means follow up the CS route. If you want to resolve the situation, start testing alternate networks using PAYG SIM from the other 3 networks - online coverage maps don't account for capacity and thus data speeds.

Message 11 of 11