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First Payment

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When I decided to change from Orange to o2, I was informed that my monthly payment would be £25.50 per month if I had my mobile with o2. I changed my mobile from Vodafone to o2, only to be informed that my monthly payment would be £30.50. I subsequently phoned Customer Service after some arguement I was informed that my charge would be £25.50 for 12 months and then revert to £30.50. Although I was not particularly happy, I agreed this. At the time I asked for an email to confirm that this was the arrangement, nothing came. I am now informed that my first payment will be £60.85, when I challenged Customer Service they informed me that the reason for the high bill is because of a £25 connection fee. Again I challenged them and they agreed to deduct this £25 from my bill, they also agreed to apply the discount for having my mobile with them. I yet again asked for an email to confirm this, but, surprise, surprise, absolutely nothing.
If this is how o2 carry out their business by attempting to stitch up customers, then what a company to be with. I have not been with o2 a month yet, and I am sick of them already. It appears that all the providers are the same, all out to stitch up customers so as to make even more profit.
Message 1 of 16

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Hi !
I've just visited this forum. Happy to get acquainted with you. Thanks.
Message 11 of 16

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@ Fermatr1x
i have been on the phone to cs this morning and the guy there assures me that although they did make a serious billing error it is going to be put right :womanindifferent:
i have been taken off the broadband premium unlimited package that i was on because he said that it is a condition of getting home phone that they will have to put me on one of their new packages Smiley Mad
(no one mentioned this in the past)
so now they have put me on the basics package
he said that they should have told me that when i enquired about home phone
so gone from unlimited to 20gb download
Message 12 of 16

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Many thanks to all who replied to my problem. I have now been into the o2 shop wher the contract was delivered on two seperate ocassions now, I have been promised on both ocassions that they agree that there has been an error, as I was never told at any time that there is a connection charge, they have agreed to drop this, they also agreed that because I have my mobile phone with them, then I should be paying £25.50 per month inclusive. However, I have asked on both ocassions for an email confirming what has been discussed and agreed upon, nothing as yet. I have informed o2 on every ocassion that I have spoken to them, that as far as I am concerned, I was mis-sold a service purely on price, and as such, this is a breach of contract. This they have agreed, they have also agreed to sort the problem out. Again, as of yet this has not happened.
My package is the Access 12 month contract including home phone anytime and broadband. The sticking point as far as I am concerned is the £25.50 price that I was quoted and the £25 connection fee that I was never told about. Being involved with the law relating to contracts and employment, I have quoted the relevant sections of the relevant Act to o2, this may have frightened somebody to actually get off their buts and do something constructive by way of getting this issue resolved. If o2 fail to resolve the matter to my satisfaction, then I shall walk away and do the necessary using the law. The law is on the side of the customer when it comes to contracts, providing the customer is correct and not misunderstood what is being stated. In my case, I am 100% solid in what I have stated to 02, and I stand by every word that I have stated.
Message 13 of 16

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good luck m8
i hope everything turns out well for you
its just not fair that they can tell you one thing and then do something completely different
Message 14 of 16

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It is a unforgetable memory I think.
Message 15 of 16

Not applicable
It is a unforgetable memory I think.

Message 16 of 16