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Editing Posts (timeout)

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I want to start a new thread about this as it is being mentioned on another one (taking it off topic)

I know we have discussed and had an explanation about Deleting some extent I can understand the reason why we can't do that...

However, editing posts is a very different ball game in my opinion.

I often notice spelling mistakes I have made (purely by trying to dash a response off quickly)...if I notice them immediately, I edit immediately and no problem...

However, if I see it hours later it galls me that the edit facility has timed out....

If I want to edit my own post I then have to seek help from a moderator. (at my age this feels like standing in front of the headmaster and saying 'Please Sir....apologies for my spelling mistake but I have forgotten my pen and can't change it')

Some of you may think ...why is she going on about this...its no biggie?

I disagree...its a real biggie to me. (Apologies.... this is just the way I am) Smiley LOL

Also...we have seen a post today by an experienced member (I will spare his blushes) where autocorrect or predictive text put Rant when it should have said Really.  That could have caused distress to the OP

All I am asking for... is a much longer period of time to edit our posts please?

Rant over LOL

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 1 of 70

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Hi guys,

I've changed it to 60 minutes to see if this helps. This will be the limit of time we can give and I may revert it back in the future if it is deemed necessary.

See if it helps slight_smile
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Message 52 of 70

Not applicable
I concur.

Message 2 of 70

Not applicable
The other instance is if someone quotes your post then you can't edit your original post too.
Message 3 of 70

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I'm the opposite and would say no edits, period wink
Take your time, check your words before posting and answer fully the first time (as per T&C's) and there is no need.....
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Message 4 of 70

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@Anonymous wrote:
The other instance is if someone quotes your post then you can't edit your original post too.

Why would you need to?

Assuming you had taken reasonable care of your post in the first place slight_smile

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 5 of 70

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I'm sure it used to be 24 hours at one time. That would be ideal. I'm sure it will be flagged if someone has edited a post to read completely different.

Message 6 of 70

Not applicable
@MI5 said "Why would you need to?

Assuming you had taken reasonable care of your post in the first place "

Just an observation. 😞
Message 7 of 70

Not applicable
Having fallen foul of the editing time limit today (it's ok @Cleoriff I am not easily embarrassed - it happened lol) I will have to say I cannot agree with @MI5 on this one.

I access this forum via the mobile site only (I can't get to grip with the layout of the full version). When typing in a message I can only view 3 lines and it can be awkward or even fiddly to go back up the post I am writing. With the post button being immediately underneath as well misposts are common.

Edit yes. Time limit yes. How long? open to debate.
Message 8 of 70

Not applicable
I should also add that the 3 lines that can be viewed total something in the region of just 30 words on average where as some posts on here can be lengthy.

If I had to go back and check everything, given the limitations of the mobile site, I probably just wouldn't bother coming on here. It's ok when you can see a couple of paragraphs at a time on a laptop.
Message 9 of 70

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Just my opinion - You don't have to agree slight_smile
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 10 of 70