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Disappointing service from O2 Recycle

Not applicable

I know that O2 Recycle are a seperate company from O2 themselves but they are affiliated with them and I think that O2 should be aware of the very poor, and I'm having to be very restrained here, service that I recently had from them when I sent them an iPhone4S 16Gb for recycling.

At the time I was quoted (Last week) the recycle value of the phone was £215, I requested their senders pack and waited for it to arrive. It arrived on Monday and after thoroughly reading the terms and conditions I managed to get the phone sent registered mail on Wednesday. Prior to that I took photos of the phone which has been in a case it's entire life and has never been dropped, as far as I could see there was no visible damage to it.

I got a text this morning, I think by now you realise where this is going, "We have received your phone and have sent you an email with our revised quote on it." This disturbed me somewhat so I went to my PC and checked my email, sure enough they had reduced the offer by 10% "due to cosmetic damage".

Obviously not being too happy with this I called them back straight away, I had barely been on the phone 30 seconds with the person and they were offering to put back on £15 straight away. Interesting because at £193.50 I'm probably going to get it sent back and at £208.50 I'm probably going to take the hit because by the time I get it back offers from other comapnies are going to be below that anyway.

I've been with O2 as a customer since 2005 and I have to be honest I've had another difficulty with them recently and this isn't doing them any favours at all.

If anyone from O2 does read this your lack of straightforward lines of communication for complaints is another feature that's not good.

As I said at the top of this message I realise that O2recycle is not ran by yourselves but I think someone should have a look at their business practices.

Message 1 of 27

Not applicable

I used O2 Recycle recently to offload my old BB 9860. It was in good nick, O2 offered the best price (from among the best known recyclers); transaction was completely painless, they paid their offer promptly.


Have also used and Envirofone previously with no problems (although admittedly for very low value phones)


Every recycler seems to have its share of dissatisfied customers, but then so does every company! I will check out the local CashConverters if I decide to ditch my 5s though - there's a bit more at stake...

Message 11 of 27

Not applicable
Very poor service . I have sent my iphone and 3 months later I am still waiting for the 31£ promised .
The client serive is not good. No reputation to defend or client excellence to show.
I will leave this provider as soon as my contract allow me.
Lost customer
Message 12 of 27

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£31 for an iPhone is daylight robbery anyway !!
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 13 of 27

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@Anonymous wrote:
Very poor service . I have sent my iphone and 3 months later I am still waiting for the 31£ promised .
The client serive is not good. No reputation to defend or client excellence to show.
I will leave this provider as soon as my contract allow me.
Lost customer

Are you sure it wasn't paid to your phone account?

To support Disasters Emergency Committee: text Nepal to 70000 to send £5

Sky Unlimited Broadband - Windows 10 - Nexus 4 Android 5.1.1
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I would rather give it away than accept £31 for an iphone. What was it, a 3G?

Message 15 of 27

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They did the exact same to me with my iPad Air. Of course it came back in worse condition than when I sent it.
Message 16 of 27

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Clearly you're paid by O2 to say that
Message 17 of 27

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@wearethmods wrote:
Clearly you're paid by O2 to say that

No idea who you are talking to, but you'd be wrong anyway.

No one here works for O2.

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 19 of 27

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I have, the name of the service is catchy
Current Phone: Sony Xperia XZ Premium
Message 20 of 27