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Customer Service (202): Horrible, Worst & a COMPLETE NIGHTMARE

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Summary: I have waited 3 days and still have not been able to add a data package on to my phone. What made the wait worse is I have had to deal with pointless conversation, misleading information and rudeness from O2 Customer Service.




I bought a new handset (samsung galaxy S3) and wanted to add a data package suitable for my phone. I am currently on O2 simiplicity 10 (a 2 year old plan) and wanted to add a Bolts on for 1GB. I thought the task would be as simple as calling 202 and getting them to add it. Heres a brief version of what happened:

Day 1:


Me: Hi, I would like to get a 1GB Data package on my tariff for my S3.


202 Helpdesk: The S3, is that any good? I have been thinking of getting it myself.


** Really? I called up for assistance not to give advise. **

202 Helpdesk: (at the end of the call) I have added a 10.50 GBP 1GB data plan which will activate tomorrow.

Day 2:


Me: Hi, I called up yesterday requesting for 1GB data plackage to be added to my tariff. I don't see that on my O2 account.

202 Helpdesk: I dont see any such request sir.


** Wow **

Me: Could you please add a 1GB data package to my tariff.


202 Helpdesk: Sure......sorry it seems I can't. You have a very old tariff and you cant add a 1 GB tariff to it. You need to change over to a new tariff to the 10.50GBP to get it.


Me: Please do change as long as I get the data package.

202 Helpdesk: Ok give me one moment seems you can add it!


** Wow. Note for O2 Staff: when I say wow, I mean it sarcastically, I am not praising you. **


202 Helpdesk: Alright, I have added a 10 GBP 1 GB data package on your tariff it will be activated tomorrow.


** Again? **

Me: Could I get a reference number for this request.


202 Helpdesk: Sir? You don't trust me? I did say I have added it.


Me: Yes, but thats exactly what the last person said.


202 Helpdesk: Your case id is 406 233 405, my name is **** and my extension number is *7508. (I have the name and extension number, available to O2 staff only upon request).


Day 3:


Me: Hi, I requested for a 1GB data package to be added to my tariff. I do not see it in my O2 account. Could you give me a status update on it.


202 Helpdesk: I dont see any such request sir.


** Really? At this point, I am not even surprised just exetremely frustrated. **

Me: Ok, I would like to escalate this matter to your supervisor, manager of shift incharge.


202 Helpdesk: I am the supervisor and I will address your concerns.


** I have my doubts that a supervisor would answer my call. The only way that can happen is that the call centre is under staffed (would explain so much) or he's refusing to escalate the issue **

Me: I have a case id here, a persons name and an extension number could you please check with them. As they said that the request was logged.


202 Helpdesk: Sorry Sir, there is no such case id. The department is too big for me to locate the person and I can't call up on extension numbers.


** WTF! Why was i given a effing extension number if I can't use it and nobody else can use it. **

Me: Right, I need a 1GB data package on my tariff can I get it? I don't see why I must wait 48Hrs to get a package on my plan.


202 Helpdesk: It should not take so long. Let me check your details


** WTH were you doing before if not checking my details?? **

202 Helpdesk: Yes, I can see here that you placed a request but as the tariff is so old. The data plan cannot be added. It appears we can place a request through in our system but it wont get approved.
I can add the data package on a new tariff plan. However, you will only get pro-rata benefits.


Me: I am willing to go with anything.


202 Helpdesk: Ok then, here are some packages we have for you. We have a 21...


** What the h*ll!! I heard this last time!! **

Me: I know the plan details, please just add it.


202 Helpdesk: Well, if you know the plan details, you should have said so from the start.


** Talk about courtesy. **

Me: Yes, but if you had told me that you checked my details to begin with then maybe you would know. If the lady before gave me real information I could use, we could have saved time. And if the person whom I called up on a monday did his job, none of us would be here.


202 Helpdesk: Sorry Sir I didn't hear any of that.


** What BullSh*t! I had good reception and was speaking loud and clear enough for anyone to hear. **

Me: Don't mess with me kid. Part of your job is to smile and serve the customer regardless how angry they are.


202 Helpdesk: You don't know if I am smiling or not. Do you?


Me: I don't care whether your frowning or not. The message is be polite or do I need to teach you how to do your job?


** Actually, I think I need to. O2 Customer Service really doesn't know how to do their job. They talk about frivoulous things during a customer call, they give false information to a customer and they speak back rudely to you. **


Me: Can you process my request or not?

202 Helpdesk: Yes Sir, I have processed your request. It will be activated tomorrow.


** OMG!! AGAIN?? **

Me: Right, because of the lack of trust, could you please give me your name.


202 Helpdesk: My name is ***** . (available upon request to O2 staff only).



So whats my take away?

1. There is no place for me to complain about this. So I posted it on the forum.

2. If you want to cancel your O2 contract, give up on the idea. Going by the IVRS options on 202, no one will ever answer the call (all other services work just fine). You'll be stuck in a state of  limbo for 20mins before the calls drops itself off.

3. You can't escalate anything in O2, since the supervisor will be the one to pick up your call and clearly he doesn't report to anyone senior.
4. If the Customer Service says it will do something: odds of them doing it are the same as flipping a coin. (Maybe even worse)

I am following up on this issue daily and will keep you all posted. I have a feeling, you'll get to see Day 4 quite soon.

Message 1 of 11

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Thank you so much! I couldn't find this. This saves me a ton of time. slight_smile But, i'll keep the thread alive on the off chance even the response team fails to respond.
Message 3 of 11

Level 44: Clearly Talented
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Send a complaint there my friend they replied to me in a few days. We're rather helpful.

I do apolagise if this causes offense but being rude to the CS will not inspire them to help you. I can understand your frustrations I really can.

Does it inspire you to help someone when the person asking is angry at you for someone else's mistake? Just saying.


EDIT:beaten to it thanks jonsie:)

Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you’re wrong. So Ive been told wink
Message 4 of 11

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It is a fact that data bolt ons can't be added to old tariffs, I know as I'm on one myself but it doesn't excuse the fact that you were told twice that the bolt on would be active in 24 hours. Product knowledge is one of the vital ingredients of customer service.


I do agree with Liquidthat customers should remain calm and reasoned to get the best response.


Let us know how you get on.

Message 5 of 11

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I think getting angry doesn't solve the problem (not with O2 anyways, as I have seen). Neither does talk to them calmly (as I have seen).

O2 Customer Service, has clearly failed to empathize with the customer in my case. The supposed supervisor knew my background and the amount of time I have had to wait for a simple request. He should have apologised (which he never did) and offered the solution immediately. he should have assured an investigation into the matter (which he never did).

Having worked (and am working) in a call centre environment, I can only say the that however the customer may behave, it is the job of the helpdesk to resolve the issue politely. At worst, just drop the call. At best, escalate the matter. Engaging back in the customer rude behavior would only provoke back more rudeness. In my case, I had to be the more sensible one to bring back the focus of my call, it wasn't the customer service personnel.
Message 6 of 11

Level 44: Clearly Talented
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I must admit I was suprised that he/she got sarky with you. That's definatly not part of the job description.

I think you'd definatly spend your time well to send a formal complaint.

I did a small stint in a call center I do not envy you I lasted a week before quitting. The amount of abuse you get for somthing you can't always control is insane.

Your a stronger person than I am:)

Definatly keep us updated though.
Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you’re wrong. So Ive been told wink
Message 7 of 11

Level 69: Guiding Light
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That all seems a bit daft, they could just have offered to change you to a new Simplicity tariff and problem solved.Smiley Indifferent

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Sky Unlimited Broadband - Windows 10 - Nexus 4 Android 5.1.1
Message 8 of 11

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Sounds like you've had it quite rough over the last few days.  I can see you're annoyed with what's been going on, but has it been sorted yet or not?

Message 9 of 11

Not applicable

Yeah. It started working today. slight_smile

Message 10 of 11