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Could someone install monitoring software on my cell phone?

Not applicable
Recently, some weird things are troubling me. I wonder whether it is possible for someone who has access to my cell phone to install mobile spy software on the mobile phone to track my phone activity, so that he knows when and what I do. I suspect that my BF installed some mobile spy software on my phone, for he seems to know one of my male friend's name, which I've never mentioned to him before. Besides, several times, he spilled the beans and he even knew most of my activities that he should not know. He is familar with some mobile phone software as I know.
Can anyone give me some advice and tell me what I should do?
Message 1 of 31

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He probably just read your phone, eh?
Message 11 of 31

Not applicable
Going by the number of times this exact same question has been posted on various forums over the years. I would say its either a remarkable coincidence or a spammer.

I am not disagreeing with you but just as a matter of interest what would this post be achieving if it was spam? There are no links or brands?
It is posted here on a Canadian forum, which turns into relationship advice:
And here:
In addition to the O2 forum.
Message 12 of 31

Not applicable
What spammers do is post a few seemingly genuine posts to establish a posting record. They then wait a while and post again with links in the signature or text.
This gets around policies designed to restrict spammers. Like new members posting links. And can instill a sense of trust on forums with classifieds. (see AVForums for a forum badly hit by this)
The problem (for them) is that its very difficult to come up with convincing posts, so they tend to get important details wrong or post the same question on widely different forums or even go completely off topic.
This particular OP has been made many times over the years.
It could be a coincidence and a genuine question.
But the language is wrong, as well as the US words, the usage is more like a speaker of an asian language. There is also the strange posting pattern.
So who knows it could all be a strange coincidence !?
Message 13 of 31

Not applicable
To back up prking, I am often flagging posts on this board and have even warned them when I have had to ban a user but warned the mods here that they use multiple usernames and to check the IP address. I flag the same ones on here that I ban on my site. And yes the posts are usually the same, and if they start slow it can take a while to catch on.
Message 14 of 31

Not applicable
What spammers do is post a few seemingly genuine posts to establish a posting record. They then wait a while and post again with links in the signature or text.

Ah ok, I had missed this piece of the logic. That explains the suspicion of a seemingly innocuous post.
Message 15 of 31

Not applicable
Ah ok, I had missed this piece of the logic. That explains the suspicion of a seemingly innocuous post.

You are not alone....the M0ds on here miss it also slight_smile
Message 16 of 31

Not applicable
I agree, I can smell a newly opened can of SPAM.
stumac58 is the same.

I grew tired of flagging these accounts as it was clear the Mods were totally missing the boat on here, concentrating their efforts on the easy stuff.... baddies like Sheepdog! grin
I offered to help FOC but it was refused by the Accounts Manager because of some logistical problems. I have the time and the "eye" to keep these boards clear.
Did anybody see the 70+ poster the other day, created in a matter of hours?
If these things were deleted instantly O2 forums would be a less favourable target. I find the SPAM on here extremely frustrating.
Message 17 of 31

Not applicable
It is frustrating when spammers take advantage of loopholes in moderation policies.
There is a new type, where the spammer posts a tale of horrendous difficulties with some service or another. People go to great lengths to help. The spammer will say thanks and then a couple of days later will post again saying
. . . thanks for all the help guys, its sorted! I used the following website. . . .
They are getting clever and crafty. I'd have to see these forums go the way of others.
Message 18 of 31

Not applicable
It is frustrating when spammers take advantage of loopholes in moderation policies.
There is a new type, where the spammer posts a tale of horrendous difficulties with some service or another. People go to great lengths to help. The spammer will say thanks and then a couple of days later will post again saying
. . . thanks for all the help guys, its sorted! I used the following website. . . .
They are getting clever and crafty. I'd have to see these forums go the way of others.

Thankfully their grammar lets them down. I think they are fairly easily spotted. My gripe is the speed they are dealt with.
Personally, I believe that any post that is flagged up, for example, by five members, should be automatically deleted. The mods can then later review the deleted post and re-instate it, if they disagree with the flag reasons.
If they restrict the flag/delete to the regular contributors, it would stop the potential carnage of WUM's creating multiple accounts in order to have genuine posts deleted.
I know it won't happen, but rocket science is much more difficult. :womanindifferent:
Message 19 of 31

Not applicable
What seems strange though is most forums rely on volunteer mods to do it when they can, and I certainly can't do it at work. As the mods on here do it as a full time job you would think they would be right on the ball when something is flagged. Mind you who knows how many boards they are having to look after.
Message 20 of 31