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Community platform bugs, issues and suggestions

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Hey everyone, 


This topic is a place where we will keep the community updated about the status of any issues or bugs affecting the community platform that we are aware of and have reported. We will keep an up to date tracker of what the issue is, when it was first reported, the current status and the latest update. This will enable you to easily check if something you've noticed has already been flagged. 


How do I report a new issue or bug I've encountered on the community? 

We would like you to use this topic to report any new bugs or issues that you come across so we can add them to the tracker. To do this simply report the issue in the comments and tag in the community team so we can update the top post with any new issues. Please include as much detail as possible when reporting a new issue and where possible include the following: 


  • The Date and time you first noticed the issue 
  • A detailed description of what the issue is and how it's affecting your user experience 
  • If applicable include the URL of where you encountered the issue 
  • The web browser and operating system you are using 
  • If applicable a screenshot of the issue 

The above information will help us and the support team properly identify the issue and get working on a fix. 


How do I check the status of an issue that has been reported? 

At the bottom of this post you will see a list of all the active and recently resolved issues. The current status of the issue, along with the most recent update with be shown there. If you have a new question or more information about an open issue please post it in the comments of this topic. 

You can also use this topic to make requests or suggestions for new features or changes to how the community platform works! Please bear in mind that making changes can often take time and some requests won't be possible for various reasons but that said we would really appreciate your insights on how to improve the community interface and will aim to implement changes where possible. We will track any suggestions below the issues. 


Thanks for your patience while we work the outstanding issues and for your help reporting and testing. 

Issue: Your own posts showing in the unread message page

Date reported : 26/08/21

Status: Bug identified and waiting on a fix 

Latest update: 20/04/22 - The engineering team are currently working on a resolution to the bug causing this issue. 

Issue: Unread posts taking you to the OP and not the unread post

Date reported : 26/08/21

Status: Bug identified and waiting on a fix 

Latest update: 20/04/22 - The engineering team are currently working on a resolution to the bug causing this issue. 

Issue: Customer survey pop-up frequency and drop to bottom of the webpage

Date reported: 04/01/22

Status: Cause of the issue identified and waiting on a fix 

Latest update: 15/03/22 - The engineering team are currently working on a resolution to the bug causing this issue

Issue: Post flooding error message when attempting to post some messages

Date reported: 13/04/22

Status: Resolved 

Latest update: 26/05/22 - A bug fix update has been deployed and the issue has been resolved. 

Issue: Add video button not appearing 

Date reported: 20/04/22

Status: Cause of the issue in being researched 

Latest update: 19/05/22 - The cause of this issue is still being investigated   

Issue: Security check message when logging into the community 

Date reported: 06/05/22

Status: Resolved

Latest update: 08/09/22 - The security check message will no longer appear when logging into the community. 



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Message 1 of 214
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It's definitely an O2 issue

All corresponence from the community goes into the junk folder (no exceptions)

I use GMail too and they may have a different way of handling mail now due to policy and security updates

My GMail is accessed via Microsoft Office so maybe their security has changed too

Nothing else goes into junk folder and I won't be changing my set up to suit O2

Message 201 of 214

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Now that's a good idea

Message 202 of 214

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@Kei-M_O2 wrote:

@pgn wrote:

As @BobM highlights here:


The issue is still very much in effect in GMail-land - any word on mail relay config change(s) on the O2 and VM forum side, @Kei-M_O2?

I originally thought it was due to some changes previously but one of the members on the VM community provided information that proved the contrary so I raised a case with Khoros last week who are investigating for me.



Any response from Khoros on this yet, @Kei-M_O2?

Probably better use of Khoros' time than searching for why an off-topic thread decided to commit harakiri 😖

Oh, and the pop-up keeps popping up in the forum, annoyingly - that's be a good one to commit to the "Solved" list 😐 - it just popped up mid-type here, as a matter of fact 😤

Message 203 of 214

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Still working on it, they'd like us to create a subdomain first as our current setup is wonky for them 🤔.



Message 204 of 214

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@Kei-M_O2: I believe there is a misleading statement in the O2 main site travel pages regarding being charged for receiving calls while Roaming outside EU (PAYG and Pay Monthly) that are forwarded to O2 Voicemail:



Charges for Voicemail when abroad

It costs the same to listen to a voicemail as it does to make a call to the UK. There's no charge for receiving a message if you don't listen to it.


Pay Monthly:

Using voicemail abroad

 ....You'll then need to change your PIN before you can listen to your messages. It costs the same to listen to a voicemail abroad as it does to make a call to the UK. There's no charge for receiving a voicemail if you don't listen to it.


1. If on O2 Travel - the £6/day charge is triggered as the incoming call hairpins back out to Voicemail

2. If on Standard Rates (and have sufficient balance if PAYG), an out-of-tariff call charge gets applied as the incoming call hairpins back out to Voicemail.


Guide: All you need to know about O2 Voicemail 901 


There *is* a charge for a call coming into your phone when roaming, as shown by searching the Forum, and seeing the number of queries explaining about switching off Voicemail before travelling to countries where "Roam like Home" is not available (outside EU mainly):

to prevent unnecessary charges.


Can the behaviour described above be checked by O2, and

a. if " There's no charge for receiving a voicemail if you don't listen to it." is true, explain how romaing customers on O2 Travel get charged for activation of O2 Travel with Airplane Mode in place (no cellular signal) and WiFi enabled (WiFi calling?)

b. if its an oversight and hairpinned calls whilst roaming *do* trigger a charge, correct the 2 x linked pages above?



Message 205 of 214

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I think the forum is broken @Kei-M_O2 @Dave-O2 


Screenshot 20**Personal info** at 11.57.26 AM.png


iPhone 16 Pro Max (EE/Vodafone)
Samsung S24 Ultra (O2/Three)
Message 206 of 214

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We have been reporting it for weeks @garetc  and nothing seems to be been done like the pop-up...

This is not customer services and we dont have access to your account
I do not work for o2 or any VMo2 /Telefonica/Liberty Global Company
Message 207 of 214

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This community has been broken for a long time

It seems that apathy is rampant....

Message 208 of 214

Level 78: King of Kings
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From us as well, as we all seem to be getting a little short fused slight_smile me included

This is not customer services and we dont have access to your account
I do not work for o2 or any VMo2 /Telefonica/Liberty Global Company
Message 209 of 214

Community Manager
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Hello @garetc 


Thanks for your message.


As other members have suggested this has been flagged and we're working towards a fix.

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Message 210 of 214