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Bad experience moving to PAYG

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Here is the sequence of events of me trying to switch to PAYG, I actually can't believe it's so complicated and seems like o2 are trying to have people off and arent fully competant.


i buy an o2 PAYG Sim from shop for £1


I sign up to the website as instructed to top-up


The website tells me I'm on a standard tariff, which the prices are ridiculous on. I attempt to switch tariff and the website says there is some kind of error switching tariff


So I call 2020 to change tariff instead. It tries to push you into topping up straight away, then pauses for ages for the next options 'to switch tariff'. I thought the pause seemed a bit shady because you think the only option is to top up but then after 5 seconds or so it gives you more options, but it doesnt wait 5 seconds between the latter options.


Luckily I am patient to wait for option 2 to switch tariff, but it wouldnt let me switch tariff anyway. It said it was unable to process the tariff change. It then tried transferring me to an automated service which I think is just the 4445 number


I then had to go through another lengthy process for it simply to try to push me into topping up again on standard rates, then says noone is available to talk at this time. A bit annoying as it could have said that noone was available before sending me round in circles and through various confirmation processes and options.


So I wait until 9am the next day and ring customer service who seemed to be confused about the situation. They said Im not on standard rates, but couldnt understand why my o2 account and the automated service was saying im on standard rates. Then asked if I want to switch to standard rates!? Then said I was on a 6gb and unlimited calls and texts tariff for £10. So im like "why does it say standard rates on my o2 account and via 2020 then?" and the reponse wasnt very logical. If the website and automated service say Im on standard rates and both are unable to change my tariff to the tariff options provided, of course Im going to think that im on standard rates? So the lady was said " oh no just top up and you will get the 6gb tariff. So I explained I never selected nor wanted the 6gb tariff, I wanted the 100gb tariff for £30. So she put me through to the auomated top up line which I think was 4445 and I top up £30 and it puts me on the 6gb tariff.......luckily the lady could change that to 100gb, but if I wasnt speaking to someone I wouldve been on the wrong tariff. 


This type of situation must lead to losts of less wise and less patient people to just go ahead and top up and either end up on standard rates or a tariff they didnt wanted and potentially paying standard rates with remaining credit if that tariff ends. 


So we finally get that sorted and my sim wont work with data, but calls are working. So I ring back up after turning the phone on and off and removing sim severeal times myself, to be told to switch the phone on and off by customer service. I told them I've already done that several times and its not worked. Either they didnt believe me or thats the only option they have other than saying that "everything looks okay from our end" So after googling the prooblem at work (About 30 mins out of my working day) I find out that with some android phones doing a network restart from the phone is required and a carrier service update is required too. Something your guys should probably be advising their customers! Anyway rant over but you guys needs to up your game big time and make the process more transparent and streamlined, with more knowledgable customer service.


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I'm sorry to hear you didn't have a great experience when switching over to PAYG @samw1234. Happy to feed this back into the team for you. 

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