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Not applicable
Accidentally while using my phone I went over my minutes allowance because I thought I was calling a free land-line and I was in fact calling a mobile. The call cost me £8.828 but then as I had gone over my minutes I was then charged £1.109 for a 6min 31sec call then £0.085, £3.22, £3.342, 34p, 10,2p and on and on until it came to £19.39, nearly £20 = nearly £24 inc. VAT all for accidentally going over once!
When I rang up the customer services to complain I was told that there was nothing they could do (although back in January 2008 they kindly waived an accidental over use) and that I would have to pay the full amount or have my service restricted. After much arguing and haggling I managed to get them to accept half now and half next month.
Now I have been a loyal O2 customer since the days of BTCellnet and expected better service.
There was no warning that I had gone over my minutes and I continued to get Stung for the rest of the month!
So my warning to other O2 customers is;
And my complaint to O2 is;
Why do you have to be so "Nickle & Dime" and will you please give your customers some warning that they have gone over their minutes, please.
What can we do about this problem?
Well what I've done when I got "Stung" once before over internet charges was to reduce my monthly payments by £10 per month thereby saving myself £120 per year and this time when my contract is due for renewal I shall reduce it by another £5 a month or £60 per year so you see O2 will have lost £180 a year from me and every other customer who uses this system of reducing and clawing back costs, so ultimately they have lost money for not being very understanding, not good business really! Whatever happened to "The customer is always right"?
Alternatively you could change your service provider! But I like O2 and always have, shame they've gone downwards!
Message 1 of 51

Not applicable
I think N01DA is absolutely right and I believe you guys are being very hard on him.
His overuse was accidental therefore he shouldn't have to pay for what he used. O2 should have realised from his previous usage that he didn't mean to go over his minutes and therefore shouldn't be charged.
They can't expect their customers to keep a tally of their own usage all the time, that's what O2 have got computers for!!
N01DA, ignore these guys on here, sometimes they forget just how much O2 has gone downwards with their pound and pence attitude.
N01DA, don't let O2 away with it, fight them for a refund and let us know how you get on.

:robotwink: :robotindifferent: :robotindifferent: :robotindifferent:
Message 31 of 51

Not applicable
Now, why didn't I think of that?
I think I'll try it in Tesco. "I didn't mean to walk out of the store without paying for my shopping, I've never done it before. Can I keep it?"
Very good
Message 32 of 51

Not applicable
Now, why didn't I think of that?
I think I'll try it in Tesco. "I didn't mean to walk out of the store without paying for my shopping, I've never done it before. Can I keep it?"
Very good

Message 33 of 51

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I tried it with my electricity bill, and my computer went off! :robotmad:
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Sky Unlimited Broadband - Windows 10 - Nexus 4 Android 5.1.1
Message 34 of 51

Not applicable
Accidentally while using my phone I went over my minutes allowance because I thought I was calling a free land-line and I was in fact calling a mobile. The call cost me £8.828 but then as I had gone over my minutes I was then charged £1.109 for a 6min 31sec call then £0.085, £3.22, £3.342, 34p, 10,2p and on and on until it came to £19.39, nearly £20 = nearly £24 inc. VAT all for accidentally going over once!

Have I got this say you went over once, but you list at least 8 calls made when you were already over your allowance?
Sorry but this is rank bad budgeting. There are several ways of managing your allowance and you didn't see fit to check before making any of the above calls? This reluctance to check indicates to me that you didn't think it was necessary as O2 would refund you as they had kindly done in January 2008.
Perhaps now that you know O2 won't waive the charges, you will manage your allowance better and especially in view of the fact that these charges may increase in the near future.
As your last statement that you will win because you are opting for a lower tariff, I find it can't manage your allowance now and you are reducing your allowance. If you feel so strongly, maybe your better option would be to find another network who will let you go over your allowance without penalty. Good luck with that!

Yes, thank you Steve Jones. I see you've opted for the Blame the Victim approach while at the same time completely missing the point that I was making. I shall explain it again for the hard of thinking.
Once I had gone over the allowance, due to an oversight on my part, I was repeatedly charged at a very high rate making my bill as high as someone who was getting a full service. I see you think it was funny, maybe you're one of those who laughs when somebody hurts themselves! I think I made my point clearly enough and I also had the kindness to warn other fellow O2 customers to avoid being overcharged and what to do should it happen to them. My contract comes up for renewal in June and I shall be shopping around for a better deal, don't you worry.
Message 35 of 51

Not applicable
So the op is going to get revenge on o2 ( for doing nothing wrong!) by reducing his tariff and thereby getting even less free minutes than are already patently not enough for him. Comedy post of the year! grin grin grin
Most normal, sane people have a tariff tha provides enough free minutes so their bill is a relatively constant amount. If you are getting call charges, the thing to do is put your tariff up or MAKE FEWER CALLS.

Are you REALLY too stupid to understand what you have done to YOURSELF, or are you simply fishing for a reaction? :womanindifferent:
How do you mistake a mobile number for a landline? All mobiles start 07 and landlines are 01, 02 or 03. How can you get that wrong?
How can you be surprised that you are incurring charges after all your allowance is gone for the month?
Why would you be surprised that a business that earns it's revenue from phone calls wants paying for services it has provided that are not covered by the tariff?
Why would you think that lowering the tariff will bother said business in any way without considering the potential financial implication to yourself if you go over that one too?
Oh and " the customer is always right" was a 19th century marketing slogan coined by Maceys department store in New York. It has NEVER been a business rule for any company, including the one that coined it, so what are you talking about?
Good grief :womanindifferent:
And before you ask, no. I don't.

You sound like a schadenfreude imho I hope you don't run into some bad luck.
Message 36 of 51

Not applicable
So the op is going to get revenge on o2 ( for doing nothing wrong!) by reducing his tariff and thereby getting even less free minutes than are already patently not enough for him. Comedy post of the year! grin grin grin
Most normal, sane people have a tariff tha provides enough free minutes so their bill is a relatively constant amount. If you are getting call charges, the thing to do is put your tariff up or MAKE FEWER CALLS.

Are you REALLY too stupid to understand what you have done to YOURSELF, or are you simply fishing for a reaction? :womanindifferent:
How do you mistake a mobile number for a landline? All mobiles start 07 and landlines are 01, 02 or 03. How can you get that wrong?
How can you be surprised that you are incurring charges after all your allowance is gone for the month?

Why would you be surprised that a business that earns it's revenue from phone calls wants paying for services it has provided that are not covered by the tariff?
Why would you think that lowering the tariff will bother said business in any way without considering the potential financial implication to yourself if you go over that one too?
Oh and " the customer is always right" was a 19th century marketing slogan coined by Maceys department store in New York. It has NEVER been a business rule for any company, including the one that coined it, so what are you talking about?
Good grief :womanindifferent:
And before you ask, no. I don't.

You sound like a schadenfreude imho I hope you don't run into some bad luck.

Lisa: Dad, do you know what schadenfreude is?
Homer: No, I do not know what shaden-frawde is. Please tell me, because I’m dying to know.
Lisa: It’s a German term for “shameful joy,” taking pleasure in the suffering of others.
Homer: Oh, come on, Lisa. I’m just glad to see him fall flat on his butt. He’s usually all happy and comfortable, and surrounded by loved ones, and it makes me feel. … What’s the opposite of that shameful joy thing of yours?
Lisa: Sour grapes.
Homer: Boy, those Germans have a word for everything.
grin A very good episode of The Simpsons
Message 37 of 51

Not applicable
I think N01DA is absolutely right and I believe you guys are being very hard on him.
His overuse was accidental therefore he shouldn't have to pay for what he used. O2 should have realised from his previous usage that he didn't mean to go over his minutes and therefore shouldn't be charged.
They can't expect their customers to keep a tally of their own usage all the time, that's what O2 have got computers for!!
N01DA, ignore these guys on here, sometimes they forget just how much O2 has gone downwards with their pound and pence attitude.
N01DA, don't let O2 away with it, fight them for a refund and let us know how you get on.

:robotwink: :robotindifferent: :robotindifferent: :robotindifferent:

Thank you ancientferguson for taking the time to really listen to my point and to not just have a cheap laugh at my expense as so many others have seen fit to do!
Good on you!
Message 38 of 51

Level 94: Supreme
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Thank you ancientferguson for taking the time to really listen to my point and to not just have a cheap laugh at my expense as so many others have seen fit to do!
Good on you!

Are you serious?....well, if it makes you feel better. For the life of me, having re-read your initial post, I still can't see why you think you have a valid complaint. Do you really think another network would not bill you for exceeding your allowance? They may be sympathetic on the first occasion (as O2 were) but I think that would be the limit of their generosity.
Not only did you exceed your allowance, you abused the situation, not by exceeding your allowance which can happen to anyone, but by making repeated calls when you, by your own admittance, knew you were already over your paid for allowance in the mistaken belief that O2 would be more than happy to refund the charges...again!
Come on now N01DA, take a step back, think about it and put yourself in O2's shoes. Would you really refund the charges a second time? No of course not! Accept the fact that O2 have done absolutely nothing wrong and have been more than fair with you.
No one is laughing at you, it's just that no one agrees with you.
Message 39 of 51

Not applicable
Maybe I, like anyone who has ever had a giggle at You've Been Framed or whatnot, am a Schadenfreude, but that has nothing to do with my response to your post,
You accuse others on here of being 'hard of thinking' while being the only one on the thread to display that attribute so far, witness;
Once I had gone over the allowance, due to an oversight on my part, I was repeatedly charged at a very high rate making my bill as high as someone who was getting a full service.

I posed the question, which you ignored, what did you expect to happen? Think about it it. You admit you got charged because your allowance ran out, you continued to make calls within the same billing period. Why would they be free if the allowance is gone? What is it about having a set allowance of free minutes for a month that you are not grasping?
Also what do you mean by the last part quoted, in what sense were you not getting full service?
Message 40 of 51