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Not applicable


If you are upgrading or getting an iphone 5 from o2, they are advising the handsets are coming from carphone warehouse... However o2 are charging you their handset price... check the tariff and phone youre getting on the carphone warehouse site, make sure the deal is identical then compare the handset price. if o2 are charging more, they will credit you back. they have to as they are charging you their price, not the price of the phone provider. I noticed this and they have agreed to credit my account for the difference... little buggers they are!! much love sashy xx


oh my phone and tariff was iphone 5 16gb white on £41 pm


and this was the chat thread about delivery aswell as the price...


Sakshi: Please give me a few minutes while I check this for you.

Sasha Price:           this is the link to carphone warehouse, the very last deal is the one ive upgraded through you (o2) you have charged me £50 when the phone is coming from carphone warehouse and theyre charging £30??!! how can you justify this?

Sakshi: Thanks for waiting.

Sakshi: Your order is currently out of stock.

Sakshi: Don't worry, Once in stock it'll be dispatched from our warehouse soon on priority basis.

Sasha Price: you have no iphones in stock?

Sasha Price: or any idea of when you will get stock?

Sakshi: iPhone 5 16 GB is out of stock.

Sakshi: I'm unable to comment when the stock will be available.

Sakshi: Once in stock it'll be dispatched from our warehouse soon on priority basis. You'll receive the notification about the same.

Sakshi: You'll receive it within three to five working days from the date of dispatch.

Sasha Price: no indication on time of stock arrival?

Sasha Price: and can you clarify why the difference in price is this is my main query

Sakshi: I'm unable to comment on the price.

Sasha Price: you cannot tell me my phone is from carphone warehouse yet charge me o2 price... o2 is my network, carphone warehouse is apparently who are sending me the phone

Sasha Price: youre here to help, help me understand why im being charged more?

Sasha Price: i want a 20 credit to the bill youre apparently taking the £50 from as i will not be paying it.

Sakshi: Please give me a few minutes while I check this for you.

Sakshi: Thanks for waiting.

Sasha Price: There will be many customers out there upgrading or taking out new contracts through yourselves on that tariff and i was informed by you CARPHONE WAREHOUSE are providing the phone O2 are providing the network... therefore every customer choosing this tariff should pay £30 as thats the carphone warehouse price. I will not be penalised for o2's mis handling of this issue and not having the stock to sell. If you had the stock and i was getting the phone through you i would pay the £50, but i know i'm not... so i wont and i will be informing others too...

Sakshi: I've checked your account and unable to find why you've charged £50if its £30 with carphone warehouse.

Sakshi: If you want to discuss the same, please call our upgrades team on 202 free from your phone.

Sasha Price: ive been charged £50 because thats what o2 charge for that handset price. its being added on to my next bill. but as im told the phone is from cw... i need to understand the difference?1

Sakshi: Please wait, while I check this for you.

Sakshi: Thanks for waiting.

Sakshi: Just so you know, the handset cost depends on the tariff you choose.

Sakshi: However, I've discussed your case with my manager.

Sakshi: and got approval to applied a one off credit of £20 to your account.

Sasha Price: yep i know but if you look at the link i sent you (same tariff) and the tariff i picked through you, they are identical... im not paying £20 more. i need to know why you are letting this happen

Sakshi: Once you'll get your order, please contact us.

Sasha Price: Thats great, and i appreciate this, however others will come forward too. i shouldnt have had to do this, o2 shouldve been informing customers of this issue

Sakshi: We'll then apply the necessary credit to your account.

Sasha Price: when my phone arrives, i contact o2 cs and the credit will be added?

Sakshi: Just contact us, when your phone arrives.

Sakshi: We'll then add it to your account as you're a valuable customer.

Sasha Price: thankyou

Sakshi: Is there anything else I can help you with?

Sasha Price: no thats all thanks x

Smiley Mad

hope others can be helped by this!

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Helpful Post Sasha, not sure what has happened this year between o2 and Apple if they are now only agents for the iPhone 5 and have to obtain them from CPW seems really odd to me.


I wonder if o2's days of having the iPhone could be coming to an end?

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fourqtwo (formerly cis01 until username became 'inactive')
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Thanks for posting this Sashybashy, I am going to move it to the 'Discussion' section.

I shall also pass on this inconsistency issue slight_smile

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Message 3 of 4

Not applicable

As little as my £20 credit is, imagine all the people in my situation... thats an awful lot of £20...


I hate to see the public robbed by corporate fat cats, its not fair! hope ive helped some of you xx

Message 4 of 4