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Extortionate charges

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Just found out that one of my phones that I am using for my young 13 year old boy who is on a 2gb tariff that I have been charged extortionate interest that is just not ethical.
I deliberately put him on a low tariff as I didn’t want him using the phone while at school.
Yes you do get a warning at 80% and then 100% but I thought it was then capped.
Today I have learned that you can continue too easily and the only way is by seeing huge bills.
2.5p per MB is then charged so if he went 1GB over we are talking nearly £30.
Unfortunately I don’t check my bills until now when I am negotiating new contracts.
So 02 are offering me 24GB deal for £18 but if I went from using 2GB to 3GB I would get charged an additional £30 how is that legal.

This has now brought a lot of stress to us as a family as I have overpaid thousands on that number where we have not knowingly gone from 2GB to 9GB and nearly £200 that has cost us in 1month alone.

Surly this is not legal can I please have your thoughts on where I stand.

Kind Regards Paul
Message 1 of 11

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You must be on a business tariff too which is wrong for your circumstances, but either way, you really should have checked earlier.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 2 of 11

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Business contracts are unfortunately not capped at all and as you have found, going over is very expensive.That goes for minutes, texts and data unless texts and minutes are unlimited.

Consumer contracts on the other hand, are capped once the data limit has been reached at which point a data olt on has to be bought for continued use.

Children shouldn't really be on a business contract unless you got an extremely good deal but any savings you may have made are totally negated by going over limits.

Tat is the bit that I find unethical.

Let's be clear though it's not interest you have been charged, rather out of allowance charges.Your children should be on consumer contracts and if they persist in going over their limit by needing data bolt ons, maybe payandgo is better.

You need to speak to customer service on 6002 and appeal the charges based on your claim you were told data was capped. Demand to listen to the sales call if necessary.

Message 3 of 11

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Just to add to @MI5 and @jonsie's comments above, I suspect you were sold this contract for your child, from so called Trusted partner of O2's who really can't be trusted at all.


They all put all people on business contracts whether they need them or not. A minor does not need a business contract at all and as you have found out they don't cap spending. 

You could have checked the usage via My O2


I too would seriously recommend you consider putting your son on a pay as you go tariff. Until he can control his spending, this is by far the cheapest way to go.

I hope you get it sorted and welcome to the forum Welcome

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 4 of 11

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That phone is now on a 24GB for £18 per month charge which is 75p per GB and now capped.

What I find unfair is you are charged £30 per GB if you go over your tariff and only sent text as a reminder.

We made a mistake that has cost thousands of pounds over a 2 year period.

Spoke with a chat agent and it’s basically unlucky those are the rules.

How can it be £30 per GB that is daylight robbery and brought a lot of stress to our family.

I am sure O2 have made millions from this clever tariff but they don’t care.

Message 5 of 11

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I fully  sympathise though there are those who would say that surely you would check bills over a two year period especially where children are concerned in these safety conscious days?

Message 6 of 11

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Yes Jonsie that is stating the obvious in hindsight.
What are your views on £30 per GB is that ethical business ?
Message 7 of 11

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@Paulc wrote:
Yes Jonsie that is stating the obvious in hindsight.
What are your views on £30 per GB is that ethical business ?

Absolutely diabolical.

There again, a lot of charges O2 inflict on us for our of allowances are ridiculous to say the least.

Think about the obscene charge of £7.20/MB for data outside of the EU, will that charge sneak back in after Brexit? With O2 anything is possible and nothing surprises me.


Message 8 of 11

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Not it's not a good price to pay, though has been said before, it happens to everyone if they are on a business tariff and is in the terms and conditions and website

Your son should not be on a business contract.


Not sure how old he is, but if he can't manage his account better than he is currently. then he would be better on PAYG.

If you are paying the bill then he has to learn some responsibility. He should also learn to use WiFi wherever possible.


Usage can always be checked on his phone and via My O2.


I'm not being unsympathetic, as I had to bail one of my sons out of his contract when he got into difficulty and he was a lot older than yours. He went PAYG and that stopped his large bills.


Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 9 of 11

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Hi Clereoff

I know now what I should do in the future that is obvious.

My point is ,is it acceptable to easily continue to use data and charge £30 per GB.
Speaking with the ombudsman Thousands of people have complained about O2 and they have passed onto OFCOM who have now brought in regulations for personal use but not business to cap spending.

They clearly see £$ only and not customer satisfaction its in there interests to let you continue and not cap or tell you of extortionate rates.
Message 10 of 11