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iOS 8.0.2 and i-phone4s - to upgrade or not?

Level 2: Apprentice
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Well, I waited for the 'fix' and here it is - but.... as a person who does not upgrade their phone with every latest model I wondered if I am better off not upgrading to the new iOS 8.0.2?Feedback


I'm not overly tech savvy but I do read reports (I saw a highlighted remark by MI5 re 4s ) - it may cause the 4s to be slower, bigger keyboard on screen and camera issues initially???/


Call me old fashioned but I like to actually 'use' the phone for some time before changing it. I moved to the i-phone as BlackBerry couldn't convince me to continue with them (ageing design).Bang


Any suggestions that don't include the words 'get an i-phone 6' Destroy

Be safe, Be Happy, Izzy xxx

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Hi @izzy831 

There have been some problems with this upgrade but as I know very little about it I will not be advising you one way or the other. i will leave that to the experts....:smileywink:

The one thing I can assure you ...we wont be encouraging you to 'get the iPhone 6' Smiley Very Happy

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Girl in a jacket
Message 2 of 7

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OK, as a follow up to 4s or not to 4s, my daughter decided to update hers and all appears well so far.
I've not been plagued with any requests for help of assistance and I've not heard any moans that anything is slow or not working.... Bearing in mind she is 12, believe me, I'd know if she wasn't happy !!
My wife, however, has decided that she "wants non of that 8 stuff on her phone" so hers will be staying on 7.
Probably not a huge help but that's where our household is at the mo and no one on suicide watch slight_smile
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Message 3 of 7

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If your phone is stable and the extra features put into iOS 8 are not deal breakers for you such as the new keyboard as an example then it's an option just to stay on iOS your currently on.

Across the forums some say they've had no issues and some say they have.

What's also important to note is once you upgraded you cannot revert back.
Message 4 of 7

Not applicable

I have an Iphone 4S and have updated it to iOS8.

What I have found helps is getting very familiar with the settings and turning off any extraneous functions that the phone uses just to make it look snazzy. Getting rid of the 'eye candy' and making it purely functional and it runs perfectly fine.

There is also the hard drive capacity it needs - taking up almost 6GB of my 16GB device.

I also uploaded and got rid of photos/videos - anything to clear out the device.

But, then again not everyone is the same and runs their devices in the same manner. But this works ok on my 4S. 

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As you say @Anonymous  It is a personal thing and will work differently dependent on how you use your phone..:smileywink:

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 6 of 7

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I haven't updated the 4S I have, but @izzy831  regarding Blackberry have you seen the improvements made to BB10 recently - you may be pleasantly surprised and the next update to 10.3 will include Amazon App store for Android apps. 

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