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Unexplained large data use

Not applicable

Yesterday I had around 120 mb of data left.


I was setting my new iPhone up earlier and received a text message telling me that I had used 80 percent of my allowance. At that point I checked on My O2 app and I had 45 mb remaining, this was around 3 hours ago.


I have just received another text saying that I have used all of my allowance up.


I have my iPhone 6 Plus beside me, on wifi, plugged into my computer and I'm in the process of adding my apps, music etc on to it through iTunes.


I can remember a couple of years ago I had the same thing happen, and it was just after a new iOS release!


Has anyone else had an unexplainable large data use like I have?

Message 1 of 95

Not applicable
I agree and submit its about time Apple introduced the same way some android phones auto connect to wifi and stick 'like glue' to it.

However as I'm on only a 2GB data bundle hanging onto as many MB I can is worth the slight hindrance of toggling off Mobile data.
Message 21 of 95

Not applicable

My Simplicity tariff is up for renewal next month, so I'll have to keep an eye on how my data use goes from now till then.


Last thing I want to do is to have to keep worrying about if my data will last, so I might need to chose a higher data Simplicity tariff, but the way my data use has been going I might need 500mb or even 1GB of data and from what I've seen between O2 and Tesco mobile, I can get double the data with Tesco Mobile for £12.50 per month, compared to O2's £13 per month for 500mb. So unless I can get the same or very similar amount with O2 for around the £12.50-£13 per month mark, I might seriously consider moving to Tesco Mobile. I've never moved networks before (as I've been with O2 for 15 years) so its something I only want to do if I really have to.

Message 22 of 95

Not applicable

Its certainly an avenue for you to consider.


Lets hope you dont need to  slight_smile


Im quite impressed you get through a month on 500mb of data.  wink


Message 23 of 95

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Of course your other option is a phone that doesn't leak data..... such as an android wink
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 24 of 95

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@Anonymous wrote:

Its certainly an avenue for you to consider.


Lets hope you dont need to  slight_smile


Im quite impressed you get through a month on 500mb of data.  wink


I'm currently on 250 mb monthly data allowance :smileyhappy:, which usually I can make last easily.


I tend to only use mobile data for iMessages (which I might send 5 or 6 a day sometimes), Siri use, taking notes (which syncs them with iCloud), checking email once or twice a day (when I'm not on wifi) and a bit of surfing reading forums etc. But most of the time when at home I'm on wifi when doing these things.

Message 25 of 95

Not applicable

@Anonymous wrote:

@Anonymous wrote:

Its certainly an avenue for you to consider.


Lets hope you dont need to  slight_smile


Im quite impressed you get through a month on 500mb of data.  wink


I'm currently on 250 mb monthly data allowance :smileyhappy:, which usually I can make last easily.


I tend to only use mobile data for iMessages (which I might send 5 or 6 a day sometimes), Siri use, taking notes (which syncs them with iCloud), checking email once or twice a day (when I'm not on wifi) and a bit of surfing reading forums etc. But most of the time when at home I'm on wifi when doing these things.

I'm impressed.


My approx usage is 3GB a month.

Message 26 of 95

Not applicable

@Anonymous wrote:

@Anonymous wrote:

@Anonymous wrote:

Its certainly an avenue for you to consider.


Lets hope you dont need to  slight_smile


Im quite impressed you get through a month on 500mb of data.  wink


I'm currently on 250 mb monthly data allowance :smileyhappy:, which usually I can make last easily.


I tend to only use mobile data for iMessages (which I might send 5 or 6 a day sometimes), Siri use, taking notes (which syncs them with iCloud), checking email once or twice a day (when I'm not on wifi) and a bit of surfing reading forums etc. But most of the time when at home I'm on wifi when doing these things.

I'm impressed.


My approx usage is 3GB a month.

Wow 3GB, if you don't mind me asking, what do you do to use that amount of data?


After looking at the other mobile operators, I found Vodafone and O2 (Vodafone especially) were a bit on the greedy side with data amounts vs cost too be honest, EE were not as bad in that respect, but Tesco Mobile would give me the benefit of been on the O2 network (which I have always been happy with the coverage) and their £12.50 per month tariff would be perfect for my use. I noticed on Tesco Mobile site that there were sliders where you could drag and choose the amount of minutes, data, and it would lists the tariffs with those amounts.


After looking at the various tariffs, I think there should be more customisation available for the customer as a lot of them have a lot of minutes (which not everyone can use as they perhaps text more than talk). It should be possible to choose less minutes and have more data instead, or vice versa depending on what your usage is.


For £12-£13 per month, It should be possible to get around 300 minutes, 1GB of data, as some of the other networks can either do this or beat this, or give you all you can eat data for a few pounds more.

Message 27 of 95

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Voice and texts are very cheap for networks to provide but data requires a lot of investment in the network. Hence you'll find many tariffs with unlimited calls but the more subscribed to networks have to limit data use.
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Message 28 of 95

Not applicable

Three seem good value from a data point of view, might be one to consider if I decide to change networks.

Message 29 of 95

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I have a three payg sim in my tablet and it's great for what I need. I get good coverage around my area too.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 30 of 95