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Tethering in 3.0 with O2?

Not applicable
Does anybody know if the UK (O2) is one of the countries that will support tethering in 3.0? I see AT&T aren't in the US.

Message 1 of 25

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Tethering to my 3G i can download at around 350k 400k on a good way, but o2's 3G is crap so its drops to edge and gprs every so often.

Thats not bad atall if you ask me...
Message 11 of 25

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I don't understand why we would have to pay for the tethering bolt-on when we get free internet/data with the iPhone tariffs?

because you will use much more data looking a page on your mac or pc than just on the iphone.

Doesn't really make sense. A web page on your laptop is the same size as the web page downloaded on the iPhone in most cases.
Message 12 of 25

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I think it's a little bit much to charge almost as much to tether a phone we already pay for unlimited data on as it is to run a PAYG dongle for month. I would have expected a bit of a discount given I pay monthly and already pay for a data package.
Message 13 of 25

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not sure i understand the whole tethering charges thing...I am using my iphone on laptop to tether right now after upgrading to final release of 3.0 for how can i do this and not pay...
Message 14 of 25

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You can get the cost details at

It is very expensive compared to other tethering options but I would say that the tethering is incredibly good - I used it for around a month when the iPhone 3.0 beta allowed you to do it. I do however thing that it should be a bit cheaper.
Message 15 of 25

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The tethering costs are ridiculous. We have unlimited data, (where unlimited is really within a fair limit), so why doesn't that just apply? If it gets too high then O2 could then do something, otherwise what is a little data from tethering every so often? Surely the fair limit is the fair limit, no matter how I achieve that? If it is hit faster due to a laptop using more data (only guess here is due to downloading files, email, browsing etc. will be the same) then the extra can simple be charged then.
Message 16 of 25

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The tethering costs are ridiculous. We have unlimited data, (where unlimited is really within a fair limit), so why doesn't that just apply? If it gets too high then O2 could then do something, otherwise what is a little data from tethering every so often? Surely the fair limit is the fair limit, no matter how I achieve that? If it is hit faster due to a laptop using more data (only guess here is due to downloading files, email, browsing etc. will be the same) then the extra can simple be charged then.

but how much would they charge extra what if you only use a little bit but john down the road thinks cool i'll download every simpsons episode ever made!

its still cheaper than buying a mobile broadband dongle!
Message 17 of 25

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The tethering costs are ridiculous. We have unlimited data, (where unlimited is really within a fair limit), so why doesn't that just apply? If it gets too high then O2 could then do something, otherwise what is a little data from tethering every so often? Surely the fair limit is the fair limit, no matter how I achieve that? If it is hit faster due to a laptop using more data (only guess here is due to downloading files, email, browsing etc. will be the same) then the extra can simple be charged then.

but how much would they charge extra what if you only use a little bit but john down the road thinks cool i'll download every simpsons episode ever made!
its still cheaper than buying a mobile broadband dongle!

Simple, they could cut your data off if you go over a hard limit until you pay for an extra allowance for that month, warn you on a soft limit so you have time to buy the extra you will possibly need. If you only use a little bit that is my point, how is it any different to just using a little bit of your unlimited data already given as part of the contract for your phone? It isn't, so they are just try to fleece customers.
Message 18 of 25

Not applicable
The tethering costs are ridiculous. We have unlimited data, (where unlimited is really within a fair limit), so why doesn't that just apply? If it gets too high then O2 could then do something, otherwise what is a little data from tethering every so often? Surely the fair limit is the fair limit, no matter how I achieve that? If it is hit faster due to a laptop using more data (only guess here is due to downloading files, email, browsing etc. will be the same) then the extra can simple be charged then.

but how much would they charge extra what if you only use a little bit but john down the road thinks cool i'll download every simpsons episode ever made!
its still cheaper than buying a mobile broadband dongle!

Simple, they could cut your data off if you go over a hard limit until you pay for an extra allowance for that month, warn you on a soft limit so you have time to buy the extra you will possibly need. If you only use a little bit that is my point, how is it any different to just using a little bit of your unlimited data already given as part of the contract for your phone? It isn't, so they are just try to fleece customers.

or they are in the profit business! you've got to remember this way people who need it will use it and people who would just use it casually wont! you've got to rememeber this is going to but a strain on the o2 network as a lot more data will be going through it! just be grateful they are doing it at all as nobody in america will be able to do it!
Message 19 of 25

Not applicable
The tethering costs are ridiculous. We have unlimited data, (where unlimited is really within a fair limit), so why doesn't that just apply? If it gets too high then O2 could then do something, otherwise what is a little data from tethering every so often? Surely the fair limit is the fair limit, no matter how I achieve that? If it is hit faster due to a laptop using more data (only guess here is due to downloading files, email, browsing etc. will be the same) then the extra can simple be charged then.

but how much would they charge extra what if you only use a little bit but john down the road thinks cool i'll download every simpsons episode ever made!
its still cheaper than buying a mobile broadband dongle!

Erm... then you'd charge the guy downloading loads of stuff an absolute fortune, and the guy who uses next to nothing... well err basically nothing as it'd fall within the remit of the fair use policy.

The problem here is the previous marketing hype of 'Unlimited' data, which wasn't exactly true (as per usual). How can they define a limit on what is the burst point where you'd have to start paying for more data if the limit is, erm unlimited? They'd have to come clean and say..well actually you only get around 200Mb data on your phone before we get uppity about it.

Still (as I've said elsewhere) if you can't tether it to devices such as Tom-Toms (which download very little data) much as any other mobile on any other network can for no additional cost other than their usual allowances.. then it's a VERY poor showing!
Message 20 of 25