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Really shabby customer service

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After much deliberation over whether or not to give up my legacy iPhone contract with unlimited data I finally decided that I couldnt put up with my 3Gs crashing at random intervals any longer so I preordered an iPhone 5 on the first day possible on the new on and on tarriff. At the time the website was quoting three weeks delivery which was perfect for me as I was actually going on holiday on the day the phones were being released but would be back in plenty of time for the three week delivery estimate

Something made me check on the order the day before I left and I discovered to my horror that delivery had been arranged for the next day! I got straight on the phone to O2 and a very nice person reassaured me that she could reschedule the delivery for October 2nd - the day after I was due home - so off i went - a happy bunny - 10 days in the sun and an iPhone5 the day after I got home.

When i got home I checked the order again and discovered that my order had been cancelled!!! 

When I phoned them on the 2nd they said that all they could do was reorder the phone and I would have to wait. It didn't stop them changing the tarriff over though

So - I'm stuck with a 3Gs that keeps crashing and can't get fixed because they cancelled my original insurance policy at the same time as changing the tariff

I've lost my original unlimited data contract even though thay've sailed to supply my new phone

They won't prioritise my new phone order even though it was their fault the original order was cancelled


Oh - and I drove past a carphone warehouse today - the very people who O2 have decided should supply my new phone - and spotted a poster in the window proudly announcing iPhone 5"s IN STOCK





Message 1 of 37

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Magoo I think you confuse us being unable to help with your situation against not caring enough to help in your situation.  As good as advisors are, they can't magic a phone out of thin air for you.  If there's no stock available, there's no stock available.


I can understand you feeling a bit put out if no-one said sorry to you, but to say they didn't care enough to help you would be wrong.

Message 31 of 37

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Be patient (I know it's a sh 1 t) but the executive team are usually very good and go above n beyond.

Obviously not even they can magic a handset for you, but they will do fantastic CS and from my dealings with them they have been very generous.
Old Phone Geek!!! A Mobile User Since 1993
Samsung Galaxy S3

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Message 32 of 37

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Oh there are lots of ways they could have helped. I got the 'we're getting more phones in stock today' message again this thursday - but no phone

My old phone is broken - they could have offered to get it fixed as it was them that arbitrarily cancelled the insurance policy

They could have let me pick one up from my local store  - which had stock at various times this week

They could even have done something further than just acknowledge my email on monday morning

But they didn't

So don't tell me they care

Message 33 of 37

Not applicable

I finally got a phone call from the CEO's office yesterday. I'm not going to reveal the contents of the call or the agreed settlement but I'm happy - very happy! Thanks for all the comments!



Message 34 of 37

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Glad to hear its sorted:)
Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you’re wrong. So Ive been told wink
Message 35 of 37

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Not wanting to say... told u so!!! LoL

Glad ur happy and hopefully sorted.
Old Phone Geek!!! A Mobile User Since 1993
Samsung Galaxy S3

Feel Free to Add Kudos, If I Have Helped slight_smile
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