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Phone not working.

Not applicable

Hi, my iPhone 5s stopped working yesterday afternoon, screen went black with big which vertical line. Then that disappeared. Took to Apple today who said it was a logic board issue and not caused by customer misuse on a form they told me to take to Carphone Warehouse. (Where I'd got phone from) They just laughed and said Apple were always sending people in with these forms and gave me one of their own. Highlighted part said, 'For goods purchased in Scotland these rights expire 5 years from delivery of the goods. A claim under uk consumer law may be made subject to the defect bring present at time of purchase.' They said that as the problem hadn't occurred within 6 months then there was nothing they would do. My monthly contract is with O2 and on live chat tonight they said I'd just have to pay the update early fee of £159 if I wanted a new phone. Apple would charge £199 for a replacement. My phone was a year old on 20th September and my contract is for 2 years. I've been onto Which and consumer rights sites tonight but cannot get a definitive answer to who I should be taking this up with, O2, Carphone Warehouse or Apple. Can anyone help with this and also should I bother or will they all just give me the runaround for months anyway.

Also Apple put the wee sim into a bigger card so it would fit into another phone but I've tried an old Nokia and Samsung tonight and wouldn't work in either. I need my phone for work so if I buy a phone in Tesco for example will they know if an iPhone sim will work in an ordinary wee disposable?

Thank you.

Message 1 of 19

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If pay and go will be more expensive, buy a phone and a sim only plan
Current Phone: Sony Xperia XZ Premium
Message 11 of 19

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Just to add a little balance here, Apple did not get where they are by building unreliable, fault ridden phones. Ditto Samsung. I've had iPhones since the start and I have never had any sort of fault and I'm sure I'm not alone. In general they are incredibly reliable, amazing bits of technology.


Having said that, things break occasionally. You have been unlucky and you have our sympathies. 



Message 12 of 19

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I agree with that to some extent @PiedPiper. My son would never have anything else but an iPhone he really rates them..... Personally though, I just wish Apple would give a standard 2 year warranty...if they are confident about their phones, this isn't too much to ask surely?

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Girl in a jacket
Message 13 of 19

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A free 2 year warranty is the very least Apple could give, considering the cost of their products but then the extended Apple Care no doubt generates millions of $ so why should they?
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 14 of 19

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Carphone warehouse offers two year warranty for iPhones, I know this due to upgrading to iPhone 6 with them as they got a deal with Apple
Message 15 of 19

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The second year will be apple care unless they are underwriting an insurance policy themselves.
I believe o2 are doing similar deal on 6s too.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 16 of 19

Not applicable

I got my Samsung and iPhone from Carphone warehouse and went in to see them day after my iphone broke and they confirmed it was only 1 year warranty. I'm sure Samsung was the same. I know not all Apple products are bad it's just that all my Apple and Samsung are. I told my husband to batter (I used a more Glaswegian wording to be honest) this very iPad off the wall yesterday morning when the screen stuck for the thousandth time. He instead took it round to his pal who once again fixed it. I seem to buy the 'Friday 5 to 5pm' items every single blooming time. 

Looks like my cheapest option at the moment is upgrading (it's gone down to £157) so will go with monthly contract again but will try another make. All the phones I like the look of are extortionate so I'm not sure about buying handset and sim separately. a few people have recommended that option to me but I'm not sure of the benefit? Would it not be more expensive if phones just break down every year or so anyway? Or do you mean buy a really basic phone? My family all have iPhones so are pushing for me to try apple one more time. I may do it, make sure I'm covered under home insurance and as soon as the inevitable fault develops I will claim some really thick robber was desperate enough to steal a 5 to 5 'er!!

No,even typing that my heart rate increased, so may go for HTC. (Think that's the correct initials.) 


Cleoriff!!😳😳 You've obviously not realised I'm Andy Capps wife and couldn't live without my wooden rolling pin. (Only thing I'll use for pastry rolling, none of your modern nonsense for me.) Maybe that dislike of modernity is why technology doesn't work for me. Maybe it's similar to the sense they say animals have and these wee bits of metal sense my underlying mistrust and dislike? Or maybe I should put down the Baileys and try to ease off the drink? 😏🤔


My 2016 resolution not to waffle hasn't lasted too long. 😔😔

Message 17 of 19

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I can assure you that Samsung give a 2 year warranty.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 18 of 19

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@Anonymous I also have a wooden rolling pin so we must be similar in that respect. As for technophobia  I was in that class myself till I was pulled kicking and screaming into the alien world of smartphones 3 years ago.LOL

I have always had Samsung and never had a problem with any of them.  Currently using a Note 3 bought outright and on a 12 month sim only deal. Overall a much cheaper option.....:smileywink:

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 19 of 19