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Nanosim not activating

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Can anybody help me? I activated my new sim at about 7pm last night, I had to use the text service as the web one wouldn't accept my sim number.

When i went to bed my old sim was still active and my new one not, so i thought nothing of it. Now however, my old sim has deactivated but the new nano sim still isn't active.

I know they said it can take 24 hrs but they also said once the old sim has deactivated the new one will work, but it doesn't. It's a bit ridiculous that I am now without a phone service.

I have tried rebooting the Iphone 5 to no avail, also tried putting the sim in my iphone 4 but still no service.

Anyone have any ideas? anyone at 02 able to help? I'm concerned my nano is faulty and I can't be without my phone for a few days. Help?

Message 1 of 29

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Sorry to hear that:( at least you've been given a rough estimate now I guess:)

Tbh with the outtage you might of found your phone unusable anyway:(
Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you’re wrong. So Ive been told wink
Message 21 of 29

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I am sure there will be a number of people for whom the outage on Friday has delayed what will otherwise be a successful activation process but that's not quite the full picture.


I ordered a 5 last Sunday having been unable to pre-order because the site kept showing various technical problems. I was advised it would arrive in around 3 weeks time. It arrived 3 days later. I went to activate the Nano Sim and was greeted with the "Only compatible sim cards..." message. Rebooted; cleaned the sim etc. Worked through everything you could. Nothing. Was heading into Manchester. Spoke to O2 and they advised that my nano sim should have activated instantly, within 5 to 10 minutes, but it hadn't so go collect a new one. Not being stupid I visited two shops and picked up 2!


In went Sim number 2 and the shop agreed to start the activation process from their end whilst I was there. An hour later my iPhone 4 lost it's 3G signal. Nothing happened with the 5. Over 24 hours later still nothing had happened. Bear in mind this is all before the outage. Well before it.


So, try contacting o2 and can't get through. Get an online chat and am advised that sim 2 hasn't activated because of some technical problems at their end. I ask for specifics (I am fine with IT) and they offer none. I am advised to insert sim 3 and give it 24 hours. The same night the bars appear alongside the wi-fi signal and I think I'm in business. Nothing. Same sim message.


Friday morning I am in work and suddenly get a message up that it's trying to contact an actviation server. It fails and offer iTunes. I should also say iTunes is up to date; fully functioning and was tried for sims 1 and 2. It failed both times with an incompatible sim message and the only option was to eject the phone. Can't use iTunes in work so I wait until I get home. At that point we're back to the sim message and no attempts to contact the server and we're in the middle of an outage. For the record, the outage did not impact on me or anyone else with i devices in the household. I understand how it can create a backlog though. However, after 3 days without a phone I am philosophical but tensing up just a little.


So, attempt to get Support unsurprisingly fails. Online chat is secured after 2 hours and the person I dealt with basically had a script which read, "I don't care about the fact this was going on before the outage, it's the outage." I agree to wait until Saturday morning. Saturday morning... nothing has changed. I ring o2. At this point I am told that contrary to everything that every other person from o2 has told me so far, sim 1 was never activated by o2 and there's no comment when I query about the "technical problem" with sim 2. So, we're back to inserting sim 1 and o2 trying to activate it. I am assured it will happen within 5 to 10 minutes and I will be rung back on my landline when it shows at their end as activated. Interesting to note that during Fridays online chat I am advised that sim 3 is activated so there is no problem! Of course there isn't. I always try support when there is no problem!!! There was no suggestion on Saturday that the outage was causing any backlog in activations at all. Needless to say (but I will anyway) it is now Sunday and no call was forthcoming and nor do I have any service.


So, as the only time the activation server comes into view is outside my home, I take to my firewall and router settings. Nothing wrong there although the Apple forums are revealing. iPhone 5 has numerous wi-fi issues and some of these relate to MAC ID filtering (it needs to be off) but also to the fact that a certain proportion of phones are allegedly faulty. These begin with a specific 4 digit address. No surprise to learn what the MAC address of my iPhone 5 starts with... however....


I have just rung o2 and will be credited with a weeks line rental (I consider this the starting point rather than the end). I have also been told that more than one sim can't be active at the same time (1 would be good) but as sim 3 still shows a 3G service it begs questions. I have also now been told that sim 1 is "provisioning" i.e. it's in the process of activating. This is 31 hours after it was activated by o2. The site says all backlog should be cleared by noon Saturday. I'm beginning to wonder which week! I have been asked to wait until 48 hours are up and then contact o2 as they will then explore other options. I presume this will include a brand new iPhone 5, perhaps with a different MAC address?


I will wait and we shall see. I am 99% confident this is a hardware issue but I have been 5 days without a phone and having been with o2 since the 3G I have to see that they appear to have fallen to pieces on iPhone 5 in almost every aspect. I shall keep my thoughts on CarPhone Warehouse partnering as circumspect, but suffice to say I'm less than happy they had any part in the obtaining of my phone.


As it stands at the moment I rechon I'm up to 10 hours online and 120 minutes in phone calls. Nothing has changed. Can anyone better this slight_smile


Latest o2 service update says all is fixed and gives no mention of a backlog on any front as of 1 hour after my last call to o2.


I shall update if there is progress to the point of a working phone. Apologies for the length of the post. Won't make a habit of it after this is resolved.


Oh, before I forget. O2 seem incapable of separating myself and my wife. They have taken to asking my wife my security question and vice verse. Bizarrely, given the onerous requirements of the DPA, they think that, despite my alerting them to this, it is for me to sort out. I strongly suspect not. Quick contact with the Info. Commissioner might focus their minds on that one. Brilliantly, my wife had to buy our original 3G phones as I had no photo ID. We got the direct debits sorted so I pay my own bill but when I log in o2 still refer to me as my wife and this time around it looks as though they've even decided that she should pay for the 5.


"Poor" might be a polite way of putting it!!!!!!

Message 22 of 29

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Sorry to hear your experience has been so bad! Just to update - my phone has now started working after around 40 hours. Not ideal but at least the ordeal is over. Thanks for all the help and good luck mikehughecq!
Message 23 of 29

Not applicable
I'm having the same problem, text sim swap 49hrs ago and both phones say no service! 02 are not being helpful at all either, called them twice and also even made a visit to the store! I've tried rebooting so many times, lost count as that's what the advice was from O2 customer advisors!
Message 24 of 29

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😞 sorry to hear its taking so long. I can only presume it got stuck in the backlog.

Try calling your number see if it says not in use at least you'll know its on its way then.
Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you’re wrong. So Ive been told wink
Message 25 of 29

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Pretty confident that the appearance of 3G but no O2-UK means that either the hardware is faulty, or, Carphone Warehouse have sold me a phone already locked to a specific network, which would probably interest Trading Standards if true as everything came shrink-wrapped.

I cannot yet describe today's appalling experience where O2 handed me off to CW. The latter are beyond dreadful. They are abusive, arrogant and rude and bring shame on O2 to the extent you are truly embarrassed for all concerned. I'm awaiting a call from a manager at the latter at 9am tomorrow morning. I'll post the whole sorry tale up when concluded.

In meantime I've found a nano sim adapter and at least got my 4 working again.
Message 26 of 29

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They have made a pig's ear of everything between them and I can't help thinking that the numerous sim cards have added to the problems. Glad you have the 4 working at least:smileyhappy:


Keep us up to speed with developments please Mike.

Message 27 of 29

Not applicable

I had a very similar experience recently (but with iPhone4)


I updated my iPhone4 to IOS6 and shortly afterwards I was getting signal problems. To begin with they were only a minor annoyance as I could switch the phone off and on again and all would be fine again. 


Then we had the '2 Day Outage'. After this my phone just said no SIM. I restored my phone a few times both from Backup and as a new phone (on latest iTunes) plus Network restores.  Nothing. I then phoned 02 who suggested I get a new SIM. I went to a shop and a sales person put in a new SIM and 'activated it' . 30 hours still nothing so I phoned 02 who said it might be the handset (which I was sceptical about because it was working before all this and I hadn't dropped it or anything in the meantime)..


A couple of days later (when I had the time) I went and got another SIM and activated it (this time on the phone). 2 days later and still not service. By this time I thought it must be my handset, but would have to wait till I got paid till I could afford to do something about it. In the mean time I got my calls forwarded to a cheap temporary phone. 


3 more days and still nothing depsite restoring the phone again and doing countless Network Setting Restores. I then resigned to the fact my phone must be broken. (as had no phone for about 2 weeks) so I phoned Insurance whosaid they wouldn't replace it as I hadn't damaged it.  But then something magical happened. About an hour later a message flashed on the screen 'Activated sim'and it just started working. 


I can only conclude from this that it had taken 02 two weeks to get me activated back on the system.  I thought i was going bonkers.


Turns out it just took me days and days to get activated. 

Message 28 of 29

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Better late than never but really 2 weeks isn't acceptable for a problem to be resolved. Glad you are now sorted though:smileyhappy:

Message 29 of 29