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Delivery expectations for iPhone 7 PLUS?

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Seperate thread for 7+ customers to update each other.

Message 1 of 3,109
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Order Type: Upgrade

How Ordered: Online

Delivery Type: Click and Collect

Model Ordered: 7 plus Jet Black 256GB

Date Ordered: 09/09

Time Ordered: 9:20am

Time Confirmation Emails Received: 09:31am

Delivery Expectation Set: 16/09/16 (It actually quoted 'We'll aim to have your order available from: 13/09/16)!

Email of Death Received: None and no SMS


I attempted to order the phone once and the site crashed out just after the payment gateway, which meant that I had to go through the order process again.  (I later found out that they've 'earmarked' the deposit, so I have to wait for that to expire before It's credited to my account again)


I've had the Legal docs, the confirmation and 'important information' about the click and collect sent to me, but no email of death or text at all.  I went to the store on the 16th to be told that they've had no pluses at all, and I should have waited for the email to tell me to go in to pick it up (really rubbish customer service in-store actually, designed to make it feel as if I was at fault)


I called Customer Services in store and was told that an email should have been sent out, and the lady in CS said she too was epecting to pick hers up today (not sure I believe that) and had been sent the email. She said she'd forward it to me (Nothing arrived) and she'd call me back to sort out the double charge (No callback received)


Am I the only person wondering why there'll be an update on Tuesday for people?  Surely O2 have been on to Apple constantly since Friday, trying to source more stock? Why not update those waiting with actual facts.


Actually, seeing as I didn't even get the communication about Tuesday, I'm not even sure that I'm expecting to be told anything.

MyO2 states 'In Progress' and nothing more.  I've dealt with O2's 'live chat' people before, who basically will tell you anything (each having a different story to tell, none true) so I'm not even bothering with that.



Does anyone know the sequence of order feedback changes usually?  I've read about 'Pending', 'In Progress' and 'Completed'.. Is that the order of updates usually?


People are being quite vocal on Twitter, (ok, me too) and reports of people going in and picking up store stock are really annoying.. Of course they may not be true, but who knows?


Message 211 of 3,109

Not applicable
Firstly. They are true, my cousins done just that.

From previous years in progress shows as soon as you pay, so for most people that's been the case since release day. That's my status too.

Completed comes when they update the my o2 order when you collect it in store. So there's no "on way" or "despatched" etc in order to be able to track it.

Both my previous 2 iPhone pre orders (2014 and 2012) still showed in progress even after I'd set my new phone up and left the store.

I can guarantee it's not gonna say that next year though, I'm off!
Message 212 of 3,109

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To be fair to O2 its not there fault that the iphone launch has not gone smooth, but the lack of communication and honesty has let O2 down.  I spoke with a CS lady yesterday on the phone and she was saying that they have no idea what is comming in and when.  But she assured me that everyone has a place in the que and will get there phone in the order that they ordered it (hope that makes sence) she also said if i dont hear anything by tuesday to give them a cll for an update.  I feel that she was being honest with me even though she didnt answer my queston she did give me as much info as she had available to her.  I just think we need to chill our beans and wait to see what tuesday brings as that seems to be the day that we will know more.  Lets face it we cant change anything.  Zipped

More info
IPhone x ordered from apple Crazy
Iphone 7 Plus Jet Black256
ordered 0940 9/9/16
Message 213 of 3,109

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I ordered a IPhone 7+ 32gig Black on the 9th at 9am and havent recieved any info apart from the legal docs,


I've just got off the chat with cs and I've now been told that my phone will be dispatched Tuesday or even tomorrow!


Least i can now pencil in a date and have something to work with!

Message 214 of 3,109

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Im a little sceptical as to what information LIVECHAT gives you as reading the posts on the O2 community, it would seem that this is where the random information comes from.

IPhone x ordered from apple Crazy
Iphone 7 Plus Jet Black256
ordered 0940 9/9/16
Message 215 of 3,109

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True, but this is the 1st date I've received so least its something!

I know many people have been given the same info and if its not true then they will have lots more unhappy customers and they will need to offer more then just 25% more data for 6 months
Message 216 of 3,109

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@Anonymous wrote:
True, but this is the 1st date I've received so least its something!

I know many people have been given the same info and if its not true then they will have lots more unhappy customers and they will need to offer more then just 25% more data for 6 months

They should but they won't. Once we all have our phones and are locked into our new contracts, they know we are stuffed. The only exit will be to pay out of the contract, and they will say we have already had our compensation with the free data deal. 


Its so annoying. 

Message 217 of 3,109

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very true!! basically they will just lead eveyone on till we all get our phones then nothing will be done!


I dont really need 25% extra data as im on a 20gig plan, least they could do is give back the eaely update charge

Message 218 of 3,109

Not applicable

@Anonymous wrote:

very true!! basically they will just lead eveyone on till we all get our phones then nothing will be done!


I dont really need 25% extra data as im on a 20gig plan, least they could do is give back the eaely update charge

Agreed, I was on the 20GB plan but then downgraded to 5GB because 20 is far far too much, I'll barely even use 5 GB so getting an additional 25% is basically useless for me.


Their plan to give us extra data is such a cop out so they won't lose money refunding customers for their early release payment.

Message 219 of 3,109

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@Anonymous Im thesame as you i reduced my 20 gig pman down to 5gig when i ordered my phone as i was only using one gig so the 25% extra data is neither use or ornament to me.  I would like to see them offer one month airtime free as compensation.  But we must all remember its not there fault that we dont have our phones, its the comunication or lack of it we should have the issue with.


IPhone x ordered from apple Crazy
Iphone 7 Plus Jet Black256
ordered 0940 9/9/16
Message 220 of 3,109