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Call Failed yet Full Signal?

Not applicable

Do you have a problem with an iPhone, where you have full signal yet suddenly you can't make or receive phone calls? Read on. (If you want the fix, skip to the end).


I have an iPhone 5s and there are times when I can't seem to make a call, even with full signal.

Slightly frustrating as it’s either to my parents, my local taxi firm, or my girlfriend. Also I will get a call missed notification. Yet I’ve been sitting reading a book, or cooking in a max signal area…I didn’t hear my phone even though it’s on the loudest possible volume, with a ringtone that isn’t exactly discrete. Maybe it is just by chance? Oh wait, now it’s happening more and more! Was it after the last upgrade? Is it my case? Did I accidently drop it from a height of 30cm on to a cushion? The mental pain that this issue brings is an emotion which hasn’t existed before now. It feels like resentment, with hints of infuriating anger that come out of nowhere, and a sudden need to hurt something, yet you feel upset and desperate and lonely. You are only trying to make a phone call with a phone.

So I started testing different things to see if there was logic. This is what I found:

 1) It tends to happen around the 'same locations' i.e. certain places at home, work etc.

2) It happens randomly enough to make you think it isn't a big issue.

3) It always shows you have signal.

4) It happens when you are connected to WIFI (especially if those connections have a Portal page).

5) It happens to mobiles more than landlines

6) Despite thinking there is a pattern, there isn't.

7) Apple doesn’t think it is an issue

So then I started researching and found the following fixes:

1) Switch to Airplane Mode for a few seconds.

It works half the time, the other half it results in me smashing the airplane mode button in the slide menu. It will either say you have full signal still, not work and cause anger, or it will show you have no signal. When it does work, the phone will then lure you in to thinking it is a masterpiece when actually all it is, is a hand held games console that doesn’t make calls. Thanks Apple, I would’ve kept my Gameboy is I had wanted this technology.

2) Turn your phone on and off.

Annoying, every time you want to make a PHONE CALL with a PHONE.

It also doesn’t work. The operator will say it reboots your signal…so does Airplane Mode really, doesn’t it?

3) Reset your phone.

Lose “everything” you love and care for (back it up first on iTunes).

“What’s that? You’ve lost “everything” you care for to find the issue remains. Well then, do it again. If it doesn’t work then it must be a bad phone.” LIES. It doesn’t work. It is nice to have that fresh feeling again though. Do this anyway, just to keep your phone feeling sharp.

4) Swap the SIM card.

Yes, you have to wait 24 hours (up to) to fix the issue, but when it works, you’ll find…it doesn’t work.

5) Show Caller ID.

Settings>Phone>Show Caller ID> Turn off and on, or on and off.

Does it work? Well…I don’t know. It seems the feedback is that it isn’t a permanent fix, but it does work when you do it. I remain sceptical. Afterall, this is the height of technology.

6) Repair it.

Go on, wait over a month for it back, and either pay for it, or do it thorugh your operator of your insurances or warranty. You’ll be told there is nothing wrong with it. You will feel like you’re lying, and you’re the only one. Don’t worry, we feel your anger rising up. Just make sure nothing valuable is nearby.

7) Get a new phone.

You only spent £600 on this, so buy a new one. Clearly you can afford it. Just sell this one for £400 to someone who doesn’t know about this issue.

😎 Dial *#31#

What? I can’t seem to find exactly what this is, or why it is meant to work. But a few other sites do seem to think this is a permanent fix. So, if you’ve done steps 1-7 to find this will fix it, then I understand you’re annoyed.

I will test it, and see if it does work. If it does then, excellent. If it doesn’t, then I think I’m going to buy an android.

Message 1 of 23

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Thanks for this, makes very interesting reading and describes exactly how you feel when you pay an extortionate amount of money for a phone that doesn't do the one thing it's supposed to do ie. make and receive calls. Many iphone users go through this going off the threads on here.

The only reference I can find to *#31# is that the outgoing caller id defaults to 'not restricted' so maybe that will sort it for you.

Good luck wink

Message 2 of 23

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Hi @Anonymous 

I really enjoyed reading your post. It doesn't help you get a better performance from your phone but it did make me smile.

When you think you can buy a good little second hand car for the price of the iPhone (my son did) you would expect it to drive and get you about.

So to pay this amount for a brand new phone you would certainly expect it to be problem free.

One thing I totally support in your post? Buy an android phone....Oh yes ...I would go with that...:smileywink:

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 3 of 23

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@Anonymous wrote:

Despite thinking there is a pattern, there isn't.

There is a pattern - It happens to my daughters iP5s and my wifes 4s too.....

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Hi @Anonymous  and welcome to the community!


Thanks for posting this detailed description of your issue. It sounds like there a lot of features that aren't working for you.


Let us all know what you decide to do in terms of keeping this device or going for Android.



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Message 5 of 23

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Let's face it the network is full to capacity. I have a galaxy s4 mini as a work phone on Vodafone 4G and the difference in signal and speeds are unreal. I can't wait to ditch o2, all you heat are excuses for a pretty poor service.
Message 6 of 23

Not applicable

@MI5 wrote:

@Anonymous wrote:

Despite thinking there is a pattern, there isn't.

There is a pattern - It happens to my daughters iP5s and my wifes 4s too.....

I mean there isn't a pattern of when or where or even who.

I notice it happens with my parents and my girlfriend because I call them the most.


It happens to other numbers, at random times of the day, in random locations. For example trying to call a local taxi firm in Wimbledon last night, because South West Rail decided to stop my train (not their fault) and cancel the only train I could get home, or phoning my friends to hear about all the shops they've just visited to find an outfit, only to disappointingly buy a maxi dress from Primark which will undoubtedly last all of three days before being threaded on - apparently thin air, or even phoning the local takeaway because I couldn't face going to cook something from frozen because the taste of disappointment would be too overwhelimg with my now empty wine glass. All in a 4G area or on my home WIFI next to the window.


I've also just remembered, I forgot to take something out for dinner. I would call my girlfriend to provide her with more disappointment after last nights train journey, but I probably will get a call failed message!



Do a test on the phones to see what numbers, where you are exactly when it happens, if it occurs more than once or if it works after a minute of turning different settings off and on etc.

Message 7 of 23

Not applicable

I have had an Android phone before, and I can not really get used to it. I've had an Apple phone for a few years now (the 4S and now the 5S) and I like the layout and feel, and the interface it has.


But when I buy a phone for making phone calls, emails, and general web surfing, I don't judge it on the performance of the trashy games I waste my life away with, like crushing candy sweets for imaginary points and awards, of slicing fruit in half with my finger. I judge it on the performance on making calls, emails, and general web surfing. I sometimes think of battery life, like when I am in a train station late at night with apparently no way of making a phone call when I have a 4G signal!

But if it manages to fail on any one of those, then it no longer serves its purpose. I may as well go back twenty years when I could only email through a dial up phone line, anxiously waiting for the ba-dum modem noises to signify that I am connected to the world, then wait another ten minutes whilst the emails download which will no doubt have nothing interesting in - oh look, so and so is having a party again.

I could find a pay phone and insert 10p coins whilst phoning - not for a chat - but for the matter-of-fact, straight-to-business phone calls. "Hi, I'm here. I'm going to be late. The train is cancelled. I may try and get a taxi. Stay off the internet in case I need to phone you. Bye" 10p well spent I think.


But the world I live in now has a reliance on these devices which are incredibly useful. I need to have my emails on the go, just so I know that Debenhams still have a sale on, or that Domino's want you to get fat and give you more vouchers, or that my long lost uncle from Africa in fact needs my money for a fantastic business deal.

I need to be contacted for those very nice chats where I am told about the maxi dress, or I know the frozen food is disappointing but if we add enough ketchup it will taste like a vinegary disappointment instead.

My parents like to know why a long lost unclue they've never heard of wants their money.


So when I spend £500 on a machine that apparently is more advanced than the computers that sent men to space, I don't want it to send me to the moon. I want it to do what it says in the name. I want it to PHONE people.


So in answer to the android query - I'm probably going to stick with the iPhone and see if the issue is fixed before going to a new platform and spending more money that I really like to!

Message 8 of 23

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Totally agree with everything you have said (apart from the Android comment, I would never agree with that) wink

However each to their own. As said it doesn't matter what phone you have...whatever the price... you expect a certain level of service. You are not getting that at all....:smileysad:

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 9 of 23

Not applicable
Great news, I managed to deliver the disappointment without any Call Failed message. Therefore, the *#31# has worked. I don't know of this is a permanent solution, but I will let you all know if it is.
Message 10 of 23