on 18-06-2019 21:25
on 18-06-2019 21:37
on 18-06-2019 21:37
on 18-06-2019 21:39
on 18-06-2019 21:42
on 18-06-2019 21:52
on 18-06-2019 21:52
I’ve said this before. The connection problems are hardware & software based which is nothing to do with O2. Speak to Apple
on 18-06-2019 21:58
on 20-06-2019 10:45
Hey @CBB , @Vampiro and others, I've just checked on my end what the recommended thing to do here would be if you're having issues pairing the watch - the best thing to do is to contact our customer service so they can check your account, and help you with the Apple Pairing journey.
How are you getting on with this at the moment since you last posted though - are you still stuck or did this get resolved?
on 20-06-2019 10:59
on 20-06-2019 11:17
on 20-06-2019 11:17
still stuck on this and day 4 for me told that its been escalated to a more advance team and waiting on a call back from them which will take 5 days, thats if they do call. at this point im willing to just take it back and get a refund as the service is not being provided. been in touch with 3 peeps from customer service and all have said they will escalate it.
my issue is the 5 days call back (even if they do) its a problem with the account and someone comented on this thread (https://community.o2.co.uk/t5/Pay-Monthly/Apple-watch/td-p/1232443) "The provisioning of the eSIM has got stuck in the o2 network. You have to create a case with their support. You get an INC number and someone clears down all previous provisioning attempts and then in the watch app you can try again. When you try again it should detect your account already has a watch plan on it and that you just want to link your watch"
surely the guys on the phone you speak to initially can do this??? i havent got an INC number when i have called them, so im not even sure itll will be resolved. so at this moement i have series 4 acting like a first gen/ series one watch.....
on 20-06-2019 12:22
on 20-06-2019 12:22