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Lollipop for S5, now live!

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Lollipop, lollipop, where for art thou lollipop?

I am here, says Lollipop while standing atop a shiny Samsung Galaxy S5!

Okay enough of the ye olde talk – Lollipop means business. If you thought Jellybean was buttery smooth, then you’ve not seen what Lollipop can do. This is a major platform update and isn’t just a collection of minor bug fixes or anything like that… This is a full blown update – new eye candy, new & fresh menus, new features – all while keeping the system running smooth & fluid while keeping your battery life in check too. You can find out here what Lollipop can do >

The update is now live via KIES and should be live via OTA update towards the end of the week, so go grab it now and let us know your thoughts on the new update

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Message 1 of 218
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Any major issues? worth doing now or hanging fire? maybe wait for the OTA

Message 11 of 218

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As long as it is at least 5.01 I'd go for it but I'm not sure Sammy have released it to the general public yet.....?
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Message 12 of 218

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according to the OP it is on Kies and an OTA later in the week, does anybody know if it's 5.0.1?

Message 13 of 218

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According to this it's 5.0 but as O2 have released it they must be happy with it?
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Message 14 of 218

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Yesterday I used Samsung Kies and I installed Lollopop on my Samsung S5. And to be honest I do not see any features which should come with Android 5. I lost my lock screen notification, I can't setup multiple users and so on. The settings menu is exactly the same like it was, nothing new. The only one new app is TuGo by default.

Does anyone has the same problem?

Message 15 of 218

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It's only a problem if it effects you wink
What I mean is, it isn't actually a "problem" it is what Samsung have released with their own version of a launcher (Touchwiz) which will be very different from vanilla lollipop on the Nexus range.
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Message 16 of 218

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So I don't like it. Is any way to roll back this update to 4.4.2?

Message 17 of 218

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Yes, but your warranty will be void and device status will show as modified.

It would be better for you if we try and fix the issues you don't like......?

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 18 of 218

Not applicable

Now I understood.

Not all of those settings are in place described in the Internet. What I mean, on my Samsung Security does not contains this notfication options, but it was in 'System and notifications'.

Thanks, I will play with it.

Message 19 of 218

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I agree, it's best to have a few days playing before panicking too much slight_smile
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 20 of 218