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Jelly Bean for Galaxy S2 Roll out started

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I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 1 of 596
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*Ignore* lol

Message 581 of 596

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Many thanks for the help guys. Foolishly tried Keis first and no joy at all! It upgraded the Italian version on my phone to another Italian one. Used ODIN and Sam mobile file (5 hours to download, pretty poor broadband speed where I am though). Only the PDA file downloaded, no PIT file, so took a leap of faith and only entered PDA...Eureka!

UK jellybean ! (still had a few of the italian standard apps, which I deleted). Phone is faster now and has additional functions.

Dead chuffed. Cheers.:smileyhappy:

Message 582 of 596

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I've just updated to the next Jelly Bean ROM and then i installed the OTA update and all is work ok, except for received email notifications in the notification bar at the top of the phone.  So just to clarify when you recieve an email you get a notification in the top bar which you can then click and go into the samsung email app v4.  I have checked the following:

1 - Notifications are checked for app in app manager, if its greyed out so you can't change it.

2 - Notifications are checked in the actual app settings.

3 - I've forced stop and then clear the app and cache data on the app but still no joy.

4 - I've tried manually and scheduled updates but get the same results, no notification

Note 1: When sending email i know it's working as i get a notification in the top of the phone for sent mail.

Note 2: Email shortcut on the phone shows that i have new email.


Model: GT-I9100

Version: 4.1.2

Version: I9100XXMS2

Build: JZ054K.I1900XWLSW


So is anyone else having this issue?  While i don't schedule my email, i would like to get this working to how it was in GB slight_smile

Message 583 of 596

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I've got a GT-I9100P and I'm running;


Android 4.1.2


Baseband version I9100PXXLS8


Build number I9100PXXLSS


Are we using the same email app? Mine is the bog standard email app v4.0, and I've got the same notifications boxes ticked. There's one in General Preferences, and one in the account settings preferences. My sync schedule is set to every 15 minutes.


I get the small envelope in the top bar when I receive an email, just as I always have, so no problems.

Message 584 of 596

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Hi Novahob,

Do you have an S2 or S2-P model with NFC? Just trying to understand how you updated followed by an OTA update straight after. Been using Odin?

That aside, you may need to wipe the device's cache partition. Sometimes, after a major update, it can be necessary to wipe the device clean and rebuild from backups. Did you have ICS 4.0.3 before?

Wipe the cache and see if that fixes the problem. A quick Google search will show you how and no backup is needed.

Message 585 of 596

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Bondquest, yep its the same email happy. The only thing I can think of is that is that I restored my email settings via kies after the update.

Jonty, I updated kies and it wouldn't recognise my device's firmware anymore as I was on gingerbread. So yes I had to update via Odin, hence why I probably had the OTA. Once I installed this I then did a device wipe off the internal and USB memory but like I mentioned above my device then recognised in kies so I restored my email settings. So do you think a cache wipe is still worth it?
Message 586 of 596

Not applicable

Hi Novahob,


If the Kies backup you have is from a Gingerbread build then it's possible some of the internal settings aren't happy now you're on JB.  If everything seems okay thought (except email) then it may pay you to simply trash the email setup and re-create your accounts/profiles.  But if you think you're getting other funnies then it might be good to build the phone from the ground up to ensure no problems.  I know this could be a pain but the best way to ensure a clean device.


Just to share how I do things, I don't use Kies.  Granted it's clever that it can backup everything but I found it very slow, unreliable and didn't like it filling up my C drive with new backups each time rather than updating an existing one.  I'm quite happy with a manual approach and use the Samsung account element to backup call logs, texts and wallpapers.  Then I use MyPhoneExplorer to backup my texts (too), calendar, contents of file storage and apps.  If you adopted a similar approach you'd be able to rebuild your phone fairly easily without importing any OS settings.



Message 587 of 596

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Hi Jonty
Thanks for the information. I only restored the email preferences only with kies, because I got lazy and didn't think it would be an issue, but looks like it might have caused this issue. The other backup options I ignored as I knew they would cause issues.
Everything else is running ok though I do have a random freeze with one app, beyondpod but I'm in contact with developer. I think I'm going to try clearing the cache later to see if that helps. I'm going to try and avoid a fresh flash if I can.
Message 588 of 596

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I'm wondering if any of you found your email setting changed after JB update? mine went from POP3 to IMAP which I found strange as I hadn't manually changed it and have always used POP3 protcol. It's working fine so just curious.


The problem I had was I didn't know my phone was downloading JB so unfortuantely hadn't any chance to do a back up of my calendar. When my phone rebooted itself the calendar still had previous and new dates on, but silly me hit 'sync' without it having anything to sync with so lost it all-don't suppose there's anyway I can retrieve lost dates???


I'm really surprised at the amount of changes JB's applied, as it's like having a new working system. I was used to the Ginger Bread one, so it's going to take time getting used it.









Message 589 of 596

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I used IMAP when on GB but it would create addition labels for sent, draft etc when i logged online.  However when setting up my email using the email wizard i've noticed that using IMAP doesn't use these labels anymore, which is good news.  So to me something has changed, though i would recommend using IMAP as it'll sync across devices and online. I used to use POP3 but im an IMAP convert now.  Doesn't really help but i would recommend giving IMAP a go slight_smile

Message 590 of 596