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24 month contract on phone that lasted only 6 months! feeling ripped off!!!

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Feeling very disappointed and frankly, feel I have been ripped off!

I bought 2 Sony Experia phones for myself and my son 6 months ago. Both phones have now stopped working other than basic texting and calls. Even then, they both freeze regularly. Apparently the issue is that the phones have run out of memory. When we bought the phones in good faith and we were assured they had 8GB of memory. In fact 4GB is taken up with the Android system, 3GB is taken up with Apps that cannot be uninstalled, leaving only 1GB of memory. We have moved everything possible to memory cards, regularly clear the caches, delete all Apps other than the pre-installed ones and have now been left with 2 phones that don't work since Sony updated their systems. I went into the local 02 store this weekend to be told that basically, there is nothing they can do apart from offer to change our contract for £80 each to buy us out the contract (or £60 each if we trade in our phones). Not happy!! It is not unreasonable to expect a phone to last longer than 6 months when the contract is for 24 months. This cannot be considered good practice. I did have a call from a customer services manager later that day who promised to call me back the next day (that was yesterday) and as yet I haven't heard from him again. That's appalling customer service as well to add to the list of woes. I have been a customer of 02 for several years and feel totally ripped off now. 

Message 1 of 20

Level 56: Guvnor
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Which Xperia devices were they
Message 2 of 20

Level 25: Hard Hitter
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Are u sure there's not a way to delete the pre-installed apps? I don't know either way myself but I'd deffo be trying to find that out.
Message 3 of 20

Level 94: Supreme
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Cheap Android phones are always the same and should be avoided at all costs.
Some of the pre-installed apps can be deleted but others only disabled so this won't help you much.
16gb is the absolute minimum anyone should consider buying.
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Message 4 of 20

Level 67: Unsung hero
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One to rid yourself of (if you can stand to) is the Facebook app.
Just keeps expanding to take up more and more space. Much better to use the mobile site instead.
Probably already have, but make sure that all photos/videos are saved to the SD card as well - freed up about 3Gb on my old phone!!

Please note, this is not customer services and we cannot access your account. Do not publish personal details (email, phone number, bank account).

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Message 5 of 20

Not applicable

It's a Sony Experia  model number E2303

Message 6 of 20

Level 78: King of Kings
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Exactly, @MI5 they 8Gb serves a very niche market in the Mobile Phone world i.e cheap and nasty

Im not sure what the Op is wanting to get out of o2 as they didnt force them to buy under spec'd phones for their needs, and in fairness they normally do say something along the lines of "8Gb Storage - only 2Gb for user content"


The same applies to Laptops and PC's where the OS takes up a % of the drives storage. 


I wonder if the Op has contacted Sony for their comments and thoughts. 


This is not customer services and we dont have access to your account
I do not work for o2 or any VMo2 /Telefonica/Liberty Global Company
Message 7 of 20

Not applicable
I've uninstalled everything possible. Really quite angry that I was sold a phone that they obviously know would not last the full contract term....or anything near it!!
Message 8 of 20

Not applicable

Even the GURU told me that there is nothing else he can do. the phone is virtually unusable!

Message 9 of 20

Level 94: Supreme
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@Anonymous wrote:
I've uninstalled everything possible. Really quite angry that I was sold a phone that they obviously know would not last the full contract term....or anything near it!!

No one can predict how people use phones and for what reasons so it's unfair to say "they obviously know would not last the full contract term".

I agree that maybe you could have been given better advice regarding the limited storage space, but if you were the kind of person who didn't install many apps and store music / photos etc, it would easily last the contract term.

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 10 of 20