on 09-04-2022 19:52
Good evening, new to O2 having just been switched from Virgin so please forgive me if this is the wrong Board. I have been sent my new O2 SIM card and have not inserted it yet as I am awaiting for my old number to be ported over. However I have looked at the Volt and what that offers and see I must be an O2 customer, and have Virgin Media which is fine. The issue is when I try to check if I have Volt or not it says I dont have Virgin Media because it is not available in my area yet?, I have been with Virgin Media (and still am) for over 20 years is there a reason O2 will not recognise it?. Could it be just because my number is not active yet? I have registered everything with MY O2 and sent PAC etc so am just waiting to be changed over from a mobile perspective. That does seem to be the issue though, as O2 are saying it is because I do not have Virgin Media I cannot see that my mobile awaiting transfer should be an issue because that is mentioned at all. New to this as I say so assistance would really be appreciated from someone who is not particularly comfortable with things changing and even less comfortable arounf the modern tech stuff. Thanks in anticipation.
on 09-04-2022 20:00
on 09-04-2022 20:00
Have a look at this thread Volt Megaguide
But bare in mind it can take 14days and if a new contract over 14days for it to be applied.
on 09-04-2022 20:10
on 09-04-2022 20:10
Thanks for the info I really do appreciate that, I did read the Mega Guide but nothing that immediately sprang at me as relevant to my issue. I shall just wait I guess for my number to be ported and see how I go after that, but as O2 are saying Virgin Media is not available in my area I dont see it will change the situation when I come to apply for it. Thanks again anyway for your time, have a nice evening.
10-04-2022 09:44 - edited 10-04-2022 09:51
10-04-2022 09:44 - edited 10-04-2022 09:51
I have also been with Virginmedia (with originally NTLworld etc) for 20 years, I took out my O2 account through VM, on a new Volt contract, I did not wait for my Number to be ported over, Luckily I have a dual sim phone, and had both active. My O2 account still says VM not available at my address, as one of the statements in Volt Benefits, My VM doubling has been applied and my O2 benefits appeared within 1 day.
It is reported that All users get the Not available at address statement, along with Your Volt benefits are active, image below, clearly wrong. The user account name must match at present across both accounts (Letter for letter match !!) however on the 12th April this will change to only Account address matching across both VM and O2 accounts. My wife will re apply for Volt benefit's on Tuesday.
on 10-04-2022 09:52
on 10-04-2022 09:52
10-04-2022 10:59 - edited 10-04-2022 11:30
10-04-2022 10:59 - edited 10-04-2022 11:30
Yes, you are correct, It does answer many, however not all.
Maybe after Tuesday 12th, we will see the options in MyO2 for connecting into an existing VM account appear, the MyO2 login at present only gives an option under 'Volt Benefits' for a new VM account, not for linking to an existing VM account, and nothing at all in the 'Offers to you section as stated in the Megaguide.
on 10-04-2022 11:28
on 10-04-2022 11:28
on 10-04-2022 11:32
on 10-04-2022 11:32
OK, thanks, also it could be that the MyO2 'I.T.' changes taking place for Tuesday 12th may also correct this?
on 10-04-2022 13:30
on 10-04-2022 13:30
I have had an e mail saying that Volt is active but I cannot find it referred to on MyO2 page so do I just presume that is what it is? or should I be checking with Virgin instead? all very confusing for us "Antiques".