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Hi all, 


I’m in desperate need of some help! 
I was told I when I ordered my new contract that an eSIM would be sent, it was not so I contacted o2 via the My o2 App, they said they would send me a replacement eSIM pack but when they did this is disconnected my plastic SIM, the agent I spoke to re-activated my plastic SIM until the replacement SIM arrived. After 24 hours (well it ended up being 36+ hours) I still had no service so I contacted o2 via the app and they helped me to try everything to re-activate the SIM but it did not work and I was told to wait 1-3 working days from the Saturday it was ordered for my replacement eSIM pack to arrive. I waited the full 1-3 working days bringing us to Wednesday when it did not arrive, I contacted o2 again and was told to wait another 2 working days bringing us to Friday when it still did not arrive. Friday I contacted again and was told to wait until the end of the day (despite the post having already arrived), it did not turn up. This morning (Saturday, one full week later) I contacted o2 again and was told the old physical SIM has been activated on the account and that is why I have not received a new replacement eSIM pack despite me having confirmed the previous 3 times that the replacement eSIM pack was sent and being told to wait! 
It has now been one full week without any SIM/eSIM, I don’t know if one is on its way, I cannot go into store and get one because I am physically disabled and housebound due to my physical disabilities, I cannot order a new plastic SIM or eSIM online or via the My o2 App because they send a code and I have no service/working SIM to receive the text message to put the code in, so I am stuck, does anyone have any suggestions please as I am not getting anywhere with this! 

Thank you in advance! 

Message 1 of 13

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Thank you for your help! 
Unfortunately I’m currently getting new carers but because I’ve had no working phone for the past week I haven’t been able to organise an assessment due to the sim/esim situation! 

Message 11 of 13

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Update! Finally got through to someone who could be bothered to finally help me on the My O2 App, Parmeet - the advisor I spoke to was great, he overrode the system and sent out another replacement eSIM pack, he told me it would take 1-3 days to arrive but I agreed as I just need a sim/esim at this point… must be my lucky day as almost instantly my account said I had an eSIM to download/install, I did this via the app and voila, all done! 
I mentioned during him telling me he was going to send me another that I would not received the code and he said “

We understand your situation and have made an exception and ordered the eSIM for you”.

Anyone having problems with eSIM being sent because you have no signal and cannot receive a code, know they CAN override the system despite what they say, it took a whole week of waiting for them to accept I had no other way to get the eSIM and that the first replacement eSIM pack may be lost in the post/had not arrived but they finally did it! I’m sure they don’t want us to know this can be done and if you can get to your nearest o2 store I would recommend it as you won’t have to wait so long, however if you’re like me and physically can not get there for legitimate reasons they CAN do it!  

Message 12 of 13

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Well done @NicoleMartine 

We know the systems can be overridden, but finding someone to do it, is the difficult bit.

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 13 of 13