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o2 update - Direct debits not being taken

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Hi. Recently had an email for o2. Telling me a payment has not been made and suggesting I will get late payment charges.  But hang on o2 I pay every month on time by direct debit


When I look at my bank statement you have not even requested paymentm from my bank this month.


So I tried to call you. wich lets face it would have better luck shutting 2 people in a room who both speak two different languages  and asking them  to have a meaningful conversation.


When I rang up and was lucky enough to get past the automated voice asking me why I had called  which then hung up on me 4 times even when i selected to discuss an urgent matter.


When I finally spoke  to some one who then told me that o2 have had a system update and it turns out that any direct debits that would have been requested from bank accounts around  that time have not been done and I would need to make a manual payment this month.


So in that case why has this not been made more public or any communication about it. Why is it the first I learn about it is  a payment demand telling me iam going to get late payment fees. I do hope o2 that I do  not get disconnected or see any late payment mark on my credit file


Oh yes the email:   Can I ask o2 to update/ ammend/ re design (what ever you need to call it) these emails. The one I received was just in plain text. There was no o2 logo or indeed anything much that suggested it was not a phishing/scam email. it was only because the payment amout shown matched my bill this month that I read it. This type of email in plain text like this would  have normally not have been read but would have been blocked and the email sent to the junk folder.

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OH how worng you are.I dont think your system got the message. It can not have checked if I had paid or not. You Guessed. Even though I made the manual payment as I was told it would stop charges being applied ect.. Your system took my the direct debit last night for the full amout so I have now paid twice. Will one of these payments be refunded.

Message 11 of 13

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It will be saved on your account to pay next months bill.

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 12 of 13

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I had strong reservations about the direct debit not taking, simply because anyone who knows anything about banking would tell you that there has to be 6 working days clearance for the direct debit to be adjusted when making a manual payment

O2 will refund if you request but it takes around 2 weeks before the money goes back into your account after you request it

It has been known to take a month by which time your next payment will be due.

If you leave the credit on your account then of course the direct debit will adjust the following month

Message 13 of 13