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no network

Not applicable

Does anyone know what is happening to me please?

Network has been getting steadily worse over the last couple of weeks, now I am lucky to get an hour here or there even at home.

I also cannot get a live chat with anyone online to discuss it.

When i get network then phone is working perfectly and without network is working fine for data through my broadband wireless.

In the Crimbo run up this is causing me eal problems with business and family but I cannot get hold of anyone to help me.


What can i do?

According to this site there are no network problems.

There are around my phone.

I have been online and reloaded my software and restored settings.

Everything with my equipmenrt registers OK.

What can I do?

Change provider seems the only option if I cannot get o2 to talk to me but my daughters are all on o2 and we all benefit as does o2.

Message 1 of 23

Accepted Solutions

Not applicable
I recommend you contact customer services via phone if possible

View solution in original post

Message 7 of 23

Not applicable
If your on a business tariff then a boost box is an option.

If pay monthly then O2 Tugo.

Payg theirs what's app and viber.

The network is undergoing improvement ref 4g.

Remove your sim and give it a clean with a clean dry cloth.

Try turning off 3G and use 2g as an interim avenue.
Message 2 of 23

Not applicable


what phone are you using?

There might be a fault with your sim card, can you test the sim card in a different phone to see if you still have issues with the network?

You can pop in into your local o2 store and have your sim card replaced and if still having issues after that, your phone might be faulty

Message 3 of 23

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Thanks but I have cleaned sim already, i have tried on 3g and 2g and dual and it doesn't help.

Have cleaned phone thoroughly inside and out, physically and software.

Unless the phone suddenly developed a technical fault meaning it only gets network very sporadically then I don't think it is phone but no do not have another one to swap sim to.

Live on edge of town not far 400 metres from mast. normally get excellent signal.


Message 4 of 23

Not applicable
using x6 which has been very reliable for years. not easy for me to get to o2 shop. annoyed i cannot get any advisor online.
Message 5 of 23

Not applicable
I know it can be frustrating.

O2 UK Customer Service are back at 8am.

Ask your neighbours if they are on o2 and if their having issues. If they then by asking them to contact 02 they would investigate the mast.

You could try swapping the SIM card via having one posted out to you and performing the swap my SIM procedure or visit your o2 store where they will perform the swap in-store for you. It takes up to 24 hours to settle.
Message 6 of 23

Not applicable
I recommend you contact customer services via phone if possible

Message 7 of 23

Not applicable

bought new battery, had phone serviced at nokia agent in town, got new sim card sent and installed.

still getting intermittent signal and now phone sometimes crashes with signal going and coming. getting signal more often than when i first posted. spoken to o2 at length online and by phone.

network team should be contacting me but someone at o2 tried the other day when i had no signal then sent me a text like it was my fault they couldn't get me, said they would try again but they haven't.

i can see from this community that i am not the only one having signal problems, is it seasonal?

Part of a sales drive.

My new sim is 4g ready even though we don't yet get 4g in this area and I can't afford and don't need 4g.

Are they trying to push us people with older phones to upgrade?

I don't want to.

It is still expensive to get a better phone than the x6 for my needs and I am used to the symbian software and don't want to learn a new OS and I don't like a lot of the features on new OS, trying to coordinate everything in my life and tracking everything i do.

Google, Apple and Microsoft can't be trusted with all my details, boring as my life is.

Message 8 of 23

Not applicable

have you chcecked if there is a mast near you at:

Message 9 of 23

Not applicable

Yes there is a mast just up the road, normally i get an excellent signal mostly full bars , never less than 2 or 3.

that is why this is so frustrting.

Talking to o2 is really irritating, even when you get past the machines everyone treats you like a moron and wont do anything until you have taken the sim out and cleaned it, even though you have just done it for the perason before, and the person before that.

As if cleaning the sim isn't the first thing i do when there is a problem, not spend days messing about trying to get hold of someone online or phone and you can't get anyone if ypou have a problem.

You have to pretend you are going to leave or want to upgrade before an advisor is available.

Message 10 of 23