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Wifi Calling and Call Divert

Level 1: Joiner
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Hi all,


Just joined o2 and having a nightmare already. Why do o2 make things so complicated?


First problem. iPhone SE and iPhone SE 2020. Both on latest firmware. Tried to activate wifi calling, got message to contact o2 to enable feature. Registered for wi-fi calling and this now shows as active in my o2. However when I try to turn on either wifi calling or 4g calling I still get the message "To allow wifi calling on this account, contact o2" Have done several times and they tell me it's setup. The idata settings are apparently setup.


Second issue. Call divert does not work. Every time I try to set up a divert I get the message "Network Failure" I've read various posts regarding call divert doesn't work if you have wifi calling enabled on your account but mixed responses to that, some say if you haven't got a compatible phone for wifi calling and the feature is turned on call divert doesn't work. My phone is compatible. So to be clear if I've a compatible phone, I have two, if I choose to have the option of wifi calling I can't use call divert? What.....Three didn't have this problem.


This is a game changer for me, if it doesn't work I'm off. Seems o2 are stuck in the dark ages with little or no support when it comes to issues like this.


Thanks for any advice

Message 1 of 5

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There have been a few similar issues recently so I guess it's a bug in the system somewhere.

I'll ask @O2Trevski or @O2Nathan @O2nath_ci to take a look for you.

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 2 of 5

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Thanks for the tag @MI5

I’ll message you privately @nofuse and look in to this for you

Message 3 of 5

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So after two days problem still not fixed. Blame it on my handset but 4 different handsets all have the same issue is somewhat not a handset issue.

My partner she joined on the same day as me and is having exactly the same issue, so another handset issue? I think not.

O2 don’t recognise that this problem is at their end and for them to keep turning things off and on at their end and stating each one may take 24 hours to take effect doesn’t inspire me with confidence they actually know what they are doing or how their network actually works.

Message 4 of 5

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Firstly I have no affiliation with O2 so this is from my own experience. 


Who supplies your home Internet/ broadband and what router do you have?


Some ISP's and/or routers cannot handle WiFi calling or have issues with it.  For two compatible phones both activated for Wi-Fi calling to fail at the same location would suggest the issue is site specific.  Have you tried this on a different Wi-Fi network?


Some Cafes and hotels restrict this features a they do with WhatsApp/Apple Wifi calling.


Please let us know your ISP (Internet service provider) and router model as this may help identify. 




Message 5 of 5