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Transferred o2 pay and go number to my o2 contract and 4 days on I have no number at all

Not applicable

4 days ago I requested o2 to transfer my pay and go o2 number to my o2 contract, i was told this would happen the next day, upto 24 hours, the next day I lossd service on both sims, 24 hours later I still had no service, so I rang both my numbers and both numbers said number not recognised. I then contacted o2 via chat, was told the transfer must be stuck and I was on the highets priority blah blah blah maximum 24 hours but will be ok in 4, well 24 hours later exactly the same problem, so contacted support again, was told its because I have a 4g phone but Im in  a 3g area, I said well I didnt have a problem before the number swap and i have full 2g and 3g signal, anyway fast forward to today, this morning I contacted support and was told my sim wasnt provisoned after being made to take my sim out for the 4th time to read the serial only to be told what I know, I have the correct sim in.


Anyway I was told it will be ok within 1 hour and he would keep an eye n my account, yeah right, it wasnt working still after 1-2 hours so I phoned o2 customer support, after being on the line 1 hour doing the usual taking the sim in and out, checking the serial, him ging off looking at the system etc i was told they cant find whats wrong the transfer seems successful and but they can see when tehy ring it it isnt going to voicemail which i pointed out which it should if the transfer had been successful and so they would transfer the numbers back to their original sims aka the pay and go to the pay and go and the contract number back on the contract and by 4pm I should be told whats occuring anyway 10 minutes later the genuise I had spoken to rang me back suggested I turn my phone on & then off every 15 minutes and he would phone me at 1 pm so only 4 hours of doing that while im supposed to be working, well he phoned at 11 am and i missed the call and he left no number to call back and no voicemail. neither sims have any service and when I ring both numbers the calls get dropped immidiately now.


What am I supposed to do not only iv lossed the number i wanted to keep im paying for a contract thats dead. All the o2 staff say they will sort it but none of them have instead they make me do the usual sim stuff etc with the same outcome 0.

Message 1 of 5

Accepted Solutions

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Payg and contract sims are different plus they have different messaging centre numbers etc which is why I suggest you visit an O2 store.

Opening times
Monday-Friday 08:00 - 21:00
Saturday 08:00 - 20:00
Sunday 08:00 - 18:00

View solution in original post

Message 4 of 5

Not applicable
I'd first suggest calling O2 on 202 again to get some clarity and circumvent live chat for this.

Possibly visiting an O2 shop and ask them to transfer your number to the correct specific account SIM card.

We are all customer here too without access to accounts so could only surmise what's glitched.

Please let us know what happens.
Message 2 of 5

Not applicable

Ok, Well i just phoned and theyre closed now so I guess i will have to try again tomorrow.

Message 3 of 5

Not applicable
Payg and contract sims are different plus they have different messaging centre numbers etc which is why I suggest you visit an O2 store.

Opening times
Monday-Friday 08:00 - 21:00
Saturday 08:00 - 20:00
Sunday 08:00 - 18:00
Message 4 of 5

Not applicable
They should have been open until 9
Message 5 of 5