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Text And Web Data Allowance Reduced?

Not applicable

I've been topping up £15 a month for probably at least a year now to get unlimited texts and unlimited data. I last did so on the 24th of September and received a text saying the usual "You've now got unlimited UK texts and unlimited internet to use this month. Remember to top up £15 or more before 24 Oct to get this again next month."


However, i was affected by the service outage about a week ago, and since my phone came back on the network, I've been being charged for data and am being informed that I have now used the full 500mb of data afforded by my tariff, despite having been told that at least for the remainder of the month, I would have unlimited internet as well as unlimited texts.


If the tariff has changed, I would at least expect to be entitled to the remainder of the month of unlimited data for which I have paid and am explicitly told I am entitled to. I would also like to have been informed that there has been a change very clearly, rather than having o2 taking money from me wordlessly. I have looked up the Text and Web tariff since, and while My o2 is telling me that I am entitled to 500mb per month per £15 top up, the Text and Web page still says unlimited. Please tell me what is going on, because I am now having money taken from my account under false pretenses and have no idea if something has gone wrong or o2 are trying to take unlimited Internet away without informing me.

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O2 haven't done unlimited data since October 2010:


O2 Wi-fi is free for everybody to use.

To support Disasters Emergency Committee: text Nepal to 70000 to send £5

Sky Unlimited Broadband - Windows 10 - Nexus 4 Android 5.1.1

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O2 don't have unlimited data, wi-fi yes:

To support Disasters Emergency Committee: text Nepal to 70000 to send £5

Sky Unlimited Broadband - Windows 10 - Nexus 4 Android 5.1.1
Message 2 of 5

Not applicable

I have been using the unlimited data on 3G with no cost for a long time. I must have definitely been exceeding 500mb a month most months for at least a year with no warning or cost. Are you trying to tell me that they do not have unlimited data anymore, and have recently reduced the package, or are you trying to tell me that I have never had unlimited data despite the fact that I quite clearly have and specifically chose the tariff because of it? These mentions of o2 wifi are new. If the o2 wifi service is replacing the unlimited data, I would at least like to know the justification for charging me mid-way through my month's worth of unlimited data which I paid for and have been notified of.


Please do not use the vagueness of the term 'internet' to try to have me believe that I was never receiving unlimited data and that the plan was in fact referring to free o2 wifi, because I most definitely have. Many hours of 3G video calls on Skype would use more than 500mb, but they have been a regular occurrence for me for a long time and I have never been charged because topping up £15 on the Text and Web tariff explicitly used to provide me with Unlimited Data. If this has changed, please tell me.

Message 3 of 5

Not applicable

Why would it mysteriously go from saying 'Unlimited' (which clearly is not referring to the Wifi, as it never has before) to saying '500mb' since the network fault caused me to lose coverage? It went down saying unlimited and has come back saying 500, and is charging me money that it wasn't charging me before. I received no word that the tariff had changed and I would really appreciate an explanation.

Message 4 of 5

Level 69: Guiding Light
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O2 haven't done unlimited data since October 2010:


O2 Wi-fi is free for everybody to use.

To support Disasters Emergency Committee: text Nepal to 70000 to send £5

Sky Unlimited Broadband - Windows 10 - Nexus 4 Android 5.1.1
Message 5 of 5