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Self help is good and all that - but should we really be doing your job?

Not applicable

The thing is...if I have a problem that doesn't relate to how I spend my money I am content to Google for hours till I find a resolution.  To be fair I've written many articles & solutions to various problems for years so this isn't new to me.


But when I want to talk to someone in customer support (at O2 of course) because I pay my hard earned money to you, simply redirecting me to a community forum, isn't the answer that I am looking for. 


OK, granted, it's 9PM at night and all your customer service people have gone home to get drunk after a hard day of dealing with the mount Everist of issues that is apparent to me now that I have ventured into the forum; but your billing and demand for money never stops and nor does your automated service reduction bot that detects when you haven't had payment from a delinquent customer.


So I guess my question is this really:- as a £multi-billion company just how hard is it to have an out of hours customer service?  To be honest (and I say this cautiously) I don't even mind talking to someone in New Dehli, Bengaluru, or Mumbai, as long as my issue is being addressed.  And don't be coy most large corporations still outsource to India it won't make you "less of a man" in my eyes.


Look at the end of the day business is business but your customers are paramount because without them you are nothing.  At the very least leave a damn email address on your contact us page and then I can take my rant to you that way and maybe then I might feel some measure of peace.


And to think this all started because a bill I paid for 9 days after it was issued did not register on MyO2 as paid.  And still hadn't 12 days laterJaw-dropping.  In fact I was so surprised it was still showing as unpaid I PAID IT AGAIN.  And several hours later (seriously you still claim 24 hours to show up?  that is some B S and you know it) I logged back in to MyO2 and it said - that's right: BALANCE IS STILL DUE.


So I went through the motions, just for a giggle mind you, to see if it would take the payment a third time and do you know what?  It would have let me.  So I rang 202 like someone here suggested and went to balance blah blah the automated system said the balance had been paid in full and then 2 minutes later I had a text to confirm this. (I have to do this sorry people) #WTF #FFS #showmethemoney


I hope someone in your programming department gets to see this message.


And someone in accounts owes me a month's billing.





Message 1 of 16

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Hi @Anonymous

What a sorry tale of incompetence. How nice of whoever it was you spoke to.. to refer you to the forum....We are all customers like yourself and would have absolutely no access to your account.

We do know from experience that paying a bill will not show immediately on your account. it usually takes 24 hrs to update. (NOT 9 days though!) I can only suggest you go back to O2 again...not live chat....and explain whats happened. You need to be refunded asap....

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 2 of 16

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Yeah all true except we are just customers so can't access bills and accounts, so you still need to call 202 during opening times to speak to someone, or risk your life with live chat (outsourced).
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 3 of 16

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Hi guys! Wow do you get any sleep?


OK firstly thanks for the rapid response and I am sorry I did not write my topic seeking help.

I gave up looking for help for reasons stated in my rant and I just needed to air my thoughts.


It was while looking for help that in a very circular fashion the My O2 website kept taking me back to..why not try looking in the community forum?


So I thought "hey why not air my grievance here and maybe help poor folks like me while I'm at it?"


But don't you worry first thing Monday I will be having stern words with customer service.


BTW mega Kudos to you and other moderators here 36K posts?  That is some dedication to the task.



Message 4 of 16

Not applicable
@Cleoriff - thank you (sir or madam?) for the prompt repsonse I wasn't expecting to even get a page viewing to be honest! You know I don't really lay blame anywhere but I do think this level of business should not fall prone to mistakes like this. As a major player O2 has no excuse.
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@Anonymous wrote:
@Cleoriff - thank you (sir or madam?) for the prompt repsonse I wasn't expecting to even get a page viewing to be honest! You know I don't really lay blame anywhere but I do think this level of business should not fall prone to mistakes like this. As a major player O2 has no excuse.

Its Madam @Anonymous...some will confirm I can be a real 'madam' at times LOL

No problem with your rant....The community admin team will often feedback problems if they are aired enough on here.

I hope it gets sorted. As you say there is absolutely no excuse for such poor service. If you have time pop back and let us know how it goes...:smileywink:

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 6 of 16

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Just to add...please do not call @MI5 a moderator.....oh dear me no.....Fear

He is a customer like the rest of us.... though is our senior poster on here and yes...I suppose I could say he knows a lot...Dance

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 7 of 16

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@Cleoriff wrote:

I suppose I could say he knows a lot...Dance

or just sad.....

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 8 of 16

Not applicable
That's fair enough and understood and thank you for the heads up. As I feel my way around I'm sure to make the odd gaff please feel free to show me my mistakes!

As for O2? Yes I will bring the gossip home slight_smile
Message 9 of 16

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@Anonymous wrote:

Hi guys! Wow do you get any sleep?



They really don't. ...

Message 10 of 16