on 29-11-2023 18:34
I ordered a new pay monthly phone yesterday with in-store collection. The webpage said it would be available same-day, but I still don't have my confirmation today, and the order status says "processing". What is going on?
I'm minded to cancel and buy SIM-free from another retailer as I have no idea how long the wait will be & O2 customer service have been completely unhelpful today.
on 29-11-2023 18:36
on 29-11-2023 18:36
You will need to ring the sales team on 0800 081 0255, as you could have failed the credit check, or it has been referred for a manual credit check... but no one on here can help you...
on 29-11-2023 20:44
on 02-12-2023 13:29
Thanks everyone - I went to the store, apparently the local store was slow in 'accepting' the order which would release it to me
on 02-12-2023 13:50
on 02-12-2023 13:50