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Not O2's Customer Services' finest hour

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 This is aimed at O2's customer services. For some unknown reason I cannot contact them directly via e-mail.


On Tuesday I moved to O2. When I put my new SIM into my phone and turned it on (and did  few setup things) the phone worked. The Wifi worked but data services didn't. I rang 202 to log the problem. They told me that one of their masts was being repaired and they will notify me when it was working again.


When I was next 5 miles away from home I tried again and still no data ervices. 202 still told me that it was because of the local mast being repaired.


This has now been going on for 3 days. I drive many miles away, and no data services. The people in Customer Services, lots of them, still tell me its due to my local mast being repaired.


After a search online I find someone with the same problem as me, on the same make of phone too, suggesting it is something to do with Access Points. I check my phone and I do not have an Access Point set up. Back to 202, tell them what I have found and am ASSURED that it is nothing to do with Access Points but it is because my local mast is under repair.


Notwithstanding this wonderful revalation, I follow the advise given on the web page, create an Access Point, turn on data services and, lo and behold, I have a 4G connection.


So it wasn;t the local mast after all!


I have been with O2 three days and I am as underwhelmed with O2 Customer Services as it is possible to be. How come not one of the operators I spoke to had any knowledge of what the real problem was, in fact they categorically told me that it was not the problem, and blamed it all on a mysterious repair to a mast that seems to have an influence of over 15 miles?


Please if anyone knows how to pass this on to O2 Customer Services please can you do so.


And O2 Customer Services, please get yourselves an e-mail account.

Message 1 of 9

Not applicable

@SimonPCole O2 don’t have an email address only for complaints I’ll tag our community admin to see if they can feed back for you. 



Message 2 of 9

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A very poor tale re customer services. With hindsight had you checked on the forum first we would have advised you to check your APN....the most common reason for data not working.

You could always make a complaint

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Girl in a jacket
Message 3 of 9

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Hi @SimonPCole, I'm sorry to hear you've not had a great experience getting setup with Customer Service so far. I'd love to feed this back for you right away, and just need a few more details to make sure it gets to the right team. Can you reply to the PM I just sent you please?


Cheers @Anonymous for the mention slight_smile

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Message 4 of 9

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so much wrong with customer service sometimes. Someone tells you it's a mast and then you speak to someone else, they just read the notes and tell you the same without checking anything else. I think you have been really unlucky with the advisers you have spoken to as there are many good ones who know their stuff. Incidentally you can check your postcode here :

Message 5 of 9

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With respect, perhaps it should be O2's Customer Service who should be checking your forum.



Message 6 of 9

Not applicable

They will claim they don’t have time & most of their customer service is outsourced now to mainly South Africa etc

Message 7 of 9

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@SimonPCole wrote:

With respect, perhaps it should be O2's Customer Service who should be checking your forum.



We have heard tales of them directing customers here @SimonPCole wink

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 8 of 9

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