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No notification of tariff change or Auto-save

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I received an email at 11:37 today informing me 'Hi , Your tariff change is all sorted. You're now on: O2 Refresh Unlimited 24M 25GB.' I last took out a contract in November 2016 for O2 Refresh Unlimited 24M 20GB and myO2 confirms I've been out of contract since November 2018.


I was concerned this was a phishing/scam email as neither my name or phone number were in the email. However, I sought reassurance as to whether there had been a change made to my tariff without my knowledge.


The first customer adviser stated the email was genuine and the system showed an email had been sent to me, that to just ignore it and that nothing about my tariff had changed. He also indicated to send a text to 7726. Being unfamiliar with the number I googled it during the call and Ofcom indicates it's for reporting sms fraud. I asked him why I needed to report it if he said the email was genuine I was told 'Are you telling me I don't know how to do my job' I was merely concerned why he wanted me to report it so asked to speak to a manager but he was working from home so I elected to callback and speak to someone else.


The second adviser told me I couldn't be on a Refresh tariff at all because I had no active device plan, that no change had occurred, that my contract had been taken out in November 2019 (it hadn't) and that I'd receive these emails automatically every 50 days and just to ignore tham.


Completely confused at this point, I looked at the complaints page on the website and selected the option for 'Live chat with a resolution expert'. They were very helpful and advised that my tariff had indeed changed because of something called auto-save and would now be a little cheaper and have 5Gb more data (not that I need it). They couldn't tell me why I had received no prior notification, and after consulting with their manager, they can't send out a letter or email advising of this after the change has been made. I was told terms and conditions wouldn't have changed.


I checked the auto-save link provided after the live chat and it indicates this auto-save has been in place since December 2019 so why wait until July 2021 to make a tariff change. It's taken almost three hours to find out that this bizarre email was related to a genuine tariff change and I'm really concerned that tariff changes can be made without prior notification to the customer, and that two customer advisers couldn't actually tell me what had happened and provided incorrect information as to contract details/dates. The last written correspondence I received had been related to the annual monthly subscription change increase in April 2021. 


Apologies for the length of the above post but I'm exasperated that a poorly worded email from O2 caused undue worry.

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@Dhiammara After reading your post I can understand your exasperation. It's well founded. Sometimes there's no rhyme or reason to the complexities of O2's Terms & Conditions.

All I can suggest is that I tag one of the O2 online account advisors. @O2Lisa is very competent, and has helped many in the past. Hopefully she'll be able to clarify any questions you may still have. She will be back online tomorrow at 8 am.


Message 2 of 5

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Thank you. I hope @O2Lisa does get back to me as it was a bizarre and very exasperating experience.
Message 3 of 5

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Just received two text messages at 18:38.

O2: Good news. We've completed your tariff change to O2 Refresh Unlimited 24M 25GB. Remember you can always check your tariff and allowances in My O2

The other was related to my choice related to spend cap (which again I’ve made no choice or change)

I’d really like to know if by O2 changing the tariff without my consent have any benefits of the original tariff been lost? Also the monthly tariff charge showing online doesn’t show the price the resolution expert mentioned and I’m now concerned that the tariff may actually be higher than my old one. Really unhappy about this mess.
Message 4 of 5

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Morning all, thanks for the tag @Bambino 

So sorry to hear this @Dhiammara, I'll message you privately and look in to this for you.

My working hours are Monday - Thursday 08:00 - 18:00
Any messages sent outside these time will be responded to on my return.
Thanks slight_smile

Girl in a jacket
Message 5 of 5