on 21-05-2022 19:53
on 21-05-2022 19:56
Guide here https://community.o2.co.uk/t5/How-to-Guides/How-to-Lengthen-Ringtime-on-any-O2-Mobile/ba-p/1175217
You may need to turn off wifi and mobile data to send codes.
on 21-05-2022 19:56
Guide here https://community.o2.co.uk/t5/How-to-Guides/How-to-Lengthen-Ringtime-on-any-O2-Mobile/ba-p/1175217
You may need to turn off wifi and mobile data to send codes.
on 21-05-2022 21:54
on 21-05-2022 21:54
On most phones there is Call Divert (otherwise called Call Forwarding) option in Call Settings in Settings on the phone.
If busy-if no reply-if not reachable options.
You activate those and in the no reply option you can set the length that way.
This way is far better in my opinion and gives a lot more control when setting up Voicemail.
(Nokia 225 4G mobile phone take note!)
on 27-08-2022 17:02
on 27-08-2022 17:02
I have tried this several times and can’t get it to work
on 27-08-2022 17:28
on 27-08-2022 17:28
Codes often won't go on 4G. Make sure 3G/2G is selected as network type.
on 29-08-2022 17:56
There are Call Forwarding options in Settings on the Google Messaging app, but there is no option to select a length of time the phone rings before Voicemail answers, for some reason.
On a basic mobile phone you just select Divert if no reply and select between 5 to 30 seconds, but for some reason this option is missing on the Google Messaging app. I wonder why? 🤔